A child sweats in a dream

Young mothers often worry that a child sweats at night, during sleep, or a child sweats at night. This is a fairly common phenomenon, and the reasons for it can be very different.

Why does the child sweat in a dream?

External factors:

  1. High temperature and lack of humidity in the room. For normal sleep, the temperature in the children's bedroom should not exceed 22 ° C, and the humidity should be 60-70%. Unfortunately, for some apartments this is an unattainable ideal. Well, if you live in a hot and stuffy apartment, take care at least that in the nursery there was an air humidifier (during the heating season - mandatory) and every night a good airing room.
  2. Too thick a blanket and a hot pillow. There is no need to put the child in a warm blanket, if you hide yourself with one blanket. Thermoregulation in infants and preschool children is imperfect, many mothers are aware of this and therefore think that a child needs warmer clothing and a blanket than adults. In fact, overheating for infants is as unfavorable as overcooling. Make sure that the child is comfortable. Perhaps a flannel or even a thin cotton diaper will be enough. And some children who like to open themselves in a dream, it is better to simply put on pajamas with a long sleeve and not hide at all.

Internal factors

  1. Let's start with the most harmless: lack of physical activity during the day . The sweat glands work and must work daily. An active healthy baby who ran well, jumped and sweated during the day, is unlikely to sweat at night.
  2. Hyperactivity - refers to the disruption of the central nervous system, often found in modern children.
  3. Sweating can be accompanied by teething , because during this period, the defenses of the body decrease.
  4. Infectious or catarrhal disease . Increased sweating is one of the first signs that an inflammatory process begins in the body. This symptom may appear 2-3 days before the onset of the main symptoms of the disease (runny nose, sore throat, fever, etc.). Increased sweating can occur within a month after the transferred infectious diseases.
  5. Vegeto-vascular dystonia (a more accurate name - the syndrome of vegetative dystonia - SVD) - can lead to the fact that the child sweats heavily in a dream. In the period of intensive growth, this is possible, since there is an imbalance in the work of different parts of the autonomic nervous system.
  6. Genetic predisposition.
  7. Problems with the thyroid gland.
  8. Predrachitnoe condition , a lack of vitamin D - this factor can be the main, if in addition to night sweats you observe a delay in teething, increased nervous excitability of the child.

As you can see, many different reasons, from completely innocuous to very serious ones, can lead to a child's night sweats. Therefore it is very important to understand as soon as possible why the child sweats at night, and if there is a suspicion of the development of any diseases, call the doctor in time.