The menstrual cycle is a normal process that occurs in women of reproductive age. It begins at the age of 9 to 14 years, and ends after 45 (on average).
During this time, every month, in the body of a woman, one egg ripens, which has all the chances for fertilization. The duration of one cycle is from 24 to 35 days for different women.
That is, monthly 2 times a month can be the usual physiological process in a woman who has excluded all possible pathologies.
Also, in adolescents, menstrual periods can be frequent, since they have not yet stabilized the cycle and are anovulatory: the monthly can "jump" and be extremely irregular. This case is also considered as a physiological process, which eventually settles and stabilizes.
But what if earlier you had a stable cycle, but more recently you started to worry about frequent and profuse ones? Let's talk about this delicate problem in our article.
Frequent monthly causes
- Ectopic pregnancy is characterized by the development of the embryo in an "unplaced" place (that is, not in the body of the uterus). Most often, the fallopian tubes become a "haven" - narrow and long channels with a thin wall, which, as the embryo grows, can "burst", causing profuse bleeding. Such cases require immediate intervention, as they are dangerous for a woman's life. One of the symptoms of ectopic pregnancy are frequent monthly. If you had unprotected contact, you are concerned about pain and bleeding - do not pull, consult a doctor.
- Endometriosis is the scourge of modern women. More and more often they hear a disappointing diagnosis - endometriosis, which significantly changes life. Endometriosis is the spread of the uterine tissue, beyond its normal position. Ovaries, the cervix are most often affected, and the disease manifests as a dysfunction and unpleasant sensations (up to the pain) of the affected organ, and in the case that the secretions have an outlet through the genitals - very frequent monthly. The diagnosis is made by ultrasound or endoscopy.
- Myoma or fibroids of the uterus are benign tumors of the uterus. Develop from normal tissue in the form of a sphere. The size can be varied - from pea to apple. Can give serious hormonal disruptions, frequent and profuse monthly. They require therapeutic intervention, and sometimes with unfavorable dynamics - surgical.
- Hormonal imbalance - can be transient and have a protective function, for example, in situations of stress. But there are a number of endocrine diseases, which are accompanied by frequent menstruation (for example, pathology of the ovaries, pituitary gland).
- Erosion of the cervix uteri - characterized by intermenstrual bleeding.
- Admission of oral contraceptives - inappropriate OK violate the hormonal background and can provoke the appearance of two or more menstrual periods per month.
- Cancer of the uterus - in case of uterine cancer, the secretions have a special characteristic - they are watery, brownish, appearing regardless of the menstrual cycle. If you have noted such a discharge, urgently consult a doctor.
Frequent monthly - treatment
Treatment of frequent menstruation is very diverse, and corresponds to the cause of the onset. First of all, a survey of a gynecologist is required, which after a general examination will prescribe the necessary tests, ultrasound or hormonal function studies.
Next, he will choose the treatment adequate to your problem.
If for several cycles you have abnormally frequent discharge, do not wait - you need to contact a doctor, because the consequences can be very unpleasant.
Take care of yourself!