Urinary incontinence in pregnancy

If the incontinence in women of childbearing age is not normal, then urinary incontinence in pregnant women is by no means a rarity. The main reason for urinary incontinence in pregnant women is the mechanical pressure of the uterus with the baby on the bladder.

Urinary incontinence during pregnancy - causes

The longer the gestation period, the greater the pressure on the bladder. But there are other factors that contribute to urinary incontinence in pregnant women. To the incontinence leads the overextension of the pelvic muscles and the weakening of their tone under the influence of the hormonal background of the pregnant woman.

The factors contributing to incontinence include the age of a woman - incontinence usually occurs in older women. An important role is played by the number of pregnancies - the incubation in incubation is quite frequent, but the more pregnancies have been without interruption one after another - there is a higher incidence of incontinence.

With kidney and bladder diseases, urinary incontinence can also occur, especially in chronic conditions. Also contributes to the incontinence of rapid weight gain during pregnancy. But after childbirth, incontinence is possible, if labor was severe and protracted - then their consequences can disturb a woman up to several months.

Treatment of urinary incontinence in pregnant women

During pregnancy, you should not use any medication to treat incontinence. Usually after the birth, incontinence disappears by itself, but during pregnancy it is necessary to regularly take urine for analysis, as one of the causes of incontinence is inflammatory diseases of the urinary system.

If incontinence happens only during sneezing, laughing or coughing of a pregnant woman, then to prevent the discharge of urine, you should open your mouth during these physiological processes. Also, to reduce pressure on the diaphragm, it is recommended to flex the legs slightly in the knees during coughing and lean forward. It is not necessary to detain the urine in the bladder for a long time, so as not to overstrain it, and when urinating it is desirable that all the urine flows completely out of the bladder, for this you need to bend slightly forward when urinating.

If incontinence has appeared, but there is no inflammation of the urinary system, the woman is recommended to use daily hygiene pads, but only if necessary, regularly change them, and when urinating, they also change their underwear. Panties are recommended only from natural fabrics. It is recommended special underwear for pregnant women or ordinary panties in size, you can not use pressing or embarrassing synthetic underwear.

Several times a day, with incontinence, it is recommended to urinate the female genitalia, preferably with warm water. Do not use toilet paper with dyes or poor quality when urinating incontinence, as urine irritates the genitals, and by increasing irritation, inflammatory processes of the skin and mucous tunic of the genital tract can be caused.

For pregnant women, it is recommended not to drink more than 1.5-2 liters of liquid during the day, as reducing the burden on the urinary system also reduces the risk of incontinence. But one hour before bedtime, you can not drink liquid, it is advisable to drink more liquid in the first half of the day, and you also need to empty your bladder regularly as you fill it.

To reduce the load on the small pelvis, it is advised to wear a special prenatal bandage, sometimes the doctor can advise and a set of exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor. But in later pregnancy, a woman can mix up incontinence and leakage of amniotic fluid when the bladder ruptures. To diagnose the expiration of amniotic fluid, a pregnant woman is recommended to make a special test.