Cupcake with poppy seeds

Recipes for making a cake with poppy seeds are very simple, but the result is sure to surprise you - you will get fragrant and delicate pastries. And if you make a little effort and pour a cupcake frosting, or else soak with cream, then you will get a very delicious cake.

Cake recipes with poppy seeds



Eggs whisk, gradually pour in them sugar, vanillin and throw a pinch of salt. Then pour in vegetable oil and chilled milk. At the very end, we pour out the poppy, baking powder and flour. We mix the mass well until all the lumps disappear, and then we shift the dough into the oiled cup of the multivark and bake the cake with the poppy for about 20 minutes, putting out the "Bake" program. We check the cupcake's readiness with a toothpick or bead.

Lemon cake with poppy seeds


For lemon syrup:


Seeds of poppy seeds are fried in a dry frying pan and mixed with flour and baking powder. Oil beat with sugar, add vanilla extract and grated lemon zest. Continuously whipping, break one egg and pour in the milk. Partly pour the bulk of flour and mix the spatula. Spread the dough into a mold and bake in a heated oven for 60 minutes. In a small saucepan mix sugar with lemon juice and liquor, heat it and stand on the fire until the sugar dissolves completely. We puncture the cupcake in several places, water it with syrup and leave it "insisted" for several hours.

Cupcake with poppy seeds in a bread maker



Eggs are ground with sugar, vanilla, salt and stir well. Pour the egg mixture into the breadmaker's form. Lemon zest is rubbed on a fine grater and squeezed juice from the lemon. We add it, juice and softened butter to the form of a bread maker. The sifted flour is combined with the baking powder and poured into the mold. Add raisins, select the program for the cupcake and bake until done.

The whole cupcake is ready in the bread maker !

Ready cake with raisins and poppy spread on the dish and served on the table.