Potatoes "Zhukovsky" - description of the variety

Potatoes are an integral part of the human diet, so it is grown in large quantities for home and for sale.

In this article you will get acquainted with the description of the potato variety "Zhukovsky".

Features of the variety "Zhukovsky"

"Zhukovsky" is an early sort of potato that was bred in Russia. He gives a good harvest on different soils and in the regions already 2 months after planting.

Potato bush grows medium height and semi-spread. Has a small number of well branched stems. The leaves are dark green, large, dissected, have well-visible veins and a small fluff. Flowers are compactly arranged in inflorescences, have a red-purple corolla with white stripes at the ends. This variety does not produce fruits from the inflorescence.

Characteristics of the potato variety "Zhukovsky":

Planting and care

Potatoes "Zhukovsky" excellently grows at lower temperatures than other varieties, so it can be planted from the middle of spring.

The cultivar is responsive to germination, so put the seed tubers in boxes in several rows in advance and put them at room temperature for 7-10 days. It is necessary to cover them with paper so that the light is diffused, and periodically moisturize them and turn them over. When the potatoes have sprouts 1 cm long, they will be ready for planting. Sprouted tubers grow a larger number of stems, and in the future with such bushes collect a larger crop.

Preliminarily it is recommended to treat tubers from insects with an insecticide. Planting should be at medium depth and with medium density. To accelerate growth and development, as well as to protect against frost, areas with potatoes are covered with agrofiber. It is temporarily removed to weed and cleaned completely when the threat of frost passes.

Care for planting consists of such activities:

Potatoes "Zhukovsky" for the early harvest are harvested from 1 to 21 July, and for the seed - from 1 to 14 August.

According to the reviews of fans, even on a small plot and with minimal care, it is possible to grow a fairly good harvest of potatoes of this sort.

Thus, if you need early potatoes that are resistant to most diseases and give on any soils a high yield of potatoes with good taste, resistant to damage and high storage rates, the variety "Zhukovsky" is perfect.