Chile - attractions

Chile - an amazing country, characterized by a unique nature, a variety of landscapes (mountains, deserts, fjords) and a record length - the coastline extends to 4300 km. Chile is rich in country and amazing sights - the question "What to see?" Does not have to be answered for a long time, because the list of interesting places can be continued indefinitely. We bring to your attention a short overview, which, perhaps, will be useful in the preparation of the excursion plan.

Volcanoes Chile

Chile is also famous for the number of volcanoes scattered throughout its territory, both active and extinct. Some of them are activated now, and the scale of the natural disaster is such that it is necessary to evacuate the inhabitants of individual settlements.

Ojos del Slado - the highest volcano of the country, which is located in the north, on the very border with Argentina. For a long time, the researchers considered it extinct, since there was evidence that the last eruption occurred about 1,300 years ago. But in the beginning and in the middle of the XX century the volcano again showed itself, throwing steam and sulfur into the atmosphere, in 1993 there was though not a scale, but still a full eruption. The volcano is unique not only for its record height (according to different data, the height of the peak varies between 6880-7570 m), but also by its nature, which combines desert conditions, green lagoons and snow-capped peaks. In addition, on the slopes of the volcano, you can find foxes, flamingos, ducks, coots and some other birds and animals that could adapt to the difficult climate (at night the temperature often reaches -25 ° C).

The Puyueu volcano is located in the south of the country, is part of the Chilean Andes, as well as an entire volcanic chain called Puyueu Cordon Kaulle. The latest activity of the volcano was recorded in 2011, when 3,500 people were evacuated from the surrounding areas at the height of the eruption.

Chaithen volcano is also located in the south of the country, 10 km from the town of the same name. He was considered asleep until May 2008, when the first eruption began. Scientists claim that until this moment, its last activity was manifested about 9.5 thousand years ago. During the summer of the same year, the volcano did not go out, continuing to plume the streams of lava and rain from the ashes. The result was the transformation of the settlement into a ghost town. Chaitin, from whom the entire population was prudently taken out at the beginning of the eruptions, decided not to restore due to the constant activity of the nearby volcano.

National Parks of Chile

Natural parks of the country are considered the richest nature conservation zones of the world because of unique conditions. The most popular park in Chile is Torres del Paine, which has the status of a biosphere reserve. It is famous for its lakes, lagoons, mountains and glaciers. There are many campsites and hotels in the park, as well as trekking, hiking , fishing, horseback riding, climbing and, of course, watching the wonders of nature.

Atacama Desert

Atakama is considered the most dry desert in the world, since precipitation occurs here no more than once in dozens of years, there are even such zones where rain has never existed in principle. The result of artificially attracted watercourses are rare vegetation areas - cacti , some acacia, mesquite trees and even gallery forests.

The famous landmark of Chile is the hand in the Atacama Desert, stretching out from under the earth, that is, sand. This reinforced concrete structure was erected in 1992 by the architect M.Irarrosabal and symbolizes the helplessness of a person who faced the severity of the conditions of this natural zone.