How to get rid of snails in an aquarium?

Usually, snails do not pose a danger to fish and plants living in the aquarium, and even vice versa, they participate in maintaining ecological balance, as they consume the remains of food and waste of life, deposited on the bottom and walls of the aquarium. However, sometimes they can multiply too much, so you need to know how to get rid of snails in the aquarium .

Natural methods of combating snails

The safest and harmless for other aquarium inhabitants are methods of combating snails by folk remedies or by introducing into the ecosystem predators eating snails. Most often aquarium breeders are tormented by the question of how to get rid of small snails in the aquarium, as large species are not prone to rapid reproduction.

If you think how to get rid of small snails in the aquarium, then try to apply special traps. To do this, place a plate or a bottle with small holes in the bottom of the aquarium, into which put a scalded leaf of lettuce or cabbage. You leave the bait for the night, and in the morning you can easily remove the sheet covered with snails and, thus, reduce their population.

Predators are another way to get rid of snail-coils in the aquarium. Some species of fish eagerly eat such snails. Very like snails fish species tetradone, however, it is worth paying attention to the fact that these fish are quite aggressive and nasty character, and they may not get along with other inhabitants of the aquarium. Other species that help in regulating the snail population are: botsiya clown, some species of gourami , macropod, catfish eating snail eggs. It is worth noting that if the fish is full, then it is unlikely to have an interest in snails, so the inhabitants of your aquarium will have to keep a little hungry.

Predatory snails Helen easily clean your aquarium from smaller species. After this snails of this species can eat like all the others: food and plant remains. Such large snails are very beautiful and not prone to reproduction. But if they multiply, then you can quickly and profitably sell them, because now they are in great demand.

Chemical methods of struggle

In pet stores you can buy special chemical compounds that regulate the population of snails. One of them is a Hydra-Tox preparation, in which plants and soil can be kept before placing them in an aquarium. These substances kill snails, but they can disrupt the fairly delicate chemical balance in the aquarium, which can affect the health and livelihoods of its other inhabitants, so use these drugs very carefully, following the instructions carefully, and resorting to them is recommended only in the most extreme cases.