Cutaneous leishmaniasis

Cutaneous leishmaniasis has several names - rubber ulcer, Baghdad ulcer, Borovsky's disease, pendin ulcer. The disease is characterized by lesions of the skin and subcutaneous tissues, as well as mucous membranes. The cause of the disease is leishmaniasis - a genus of parasitic protists, which are often carried by mosquitoes. There is a disease in North Africa, Asia Minor and South Asia and in the Mediterranean countries of Europe.

Symptoms of cutaneous leishmaniasis

A feature of the disease is that it manifests itself after an incubation period that lasts two or more months. A nodule of pale brown color appears on the site of the bite. It increases for 90-180 days, gradually turning into a leishmanioma, the diameter of which varies from one to two centimeters. After a while, a crust appears on the affected area, and by the ninth month the ulcer affects the upper parts of the skin and extends far above their level. From the wound, serous-purulent fluid is secreted.

Prevention of leishmaniasis

Leishmaniasis is transferred not only by insects, but also by rodents, so in rural areas all the burrows of rodents should be destroyed. If you eliminate all carriers at a distance of 1500 m from the house, then you completely protect yourself from contracting skin leishmaniasis.

From mosquitoes can be protected by canopies and the use of repellents. Insects mostly attack at night, so at the risk of infection, it is necessary to hang gauze or mosquito nets above the beds, and in the daytime it is necessary to lubricate the exposed skin with clove oil or insect cream that does not allow their bites.

It is desirable that all residents of the village participate in the prevention, so there is more chance that the infection will not return.

Treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis

Treatment of Borovsky's disease or cutaneous leishmaniasis is a rather difficult process. The chances of curing ulcers significantly increase if remove purple nodules that are not older than three months. Destroy them using 4% acrychin by injection. If this was not done and the disease managed to move to the next stage, then the following drugs are prescribed:

The doctor determines the dosage of medications and the duration of treatment. The use of these drugs is a sufficiently effective method of treatment, so the chances of recovery are increased, even if the first stage of the disease development is missed.