Metabolic Therapy

The organism of a healthy person is a balanced system of a huge number of metabolic processes. The substances that participate in them are called metabolites. Metabolic therapy is the treatment of various ailments at the cellular level with the help of a group of effective agents - natural metabolites.

What is metabolic therapy?

To date, metabolic therapy is one of the few ways to restore the normal operation of all vital systems and organs. It helps to remove the reserve cells from the "sleep" and they begin to perform the functions of the injured or dead. Very often, metabolic therapy is used for multiple sclerosis, with various hereditary and genetic diseases. In addition, it is used to treat:

Vascular-metabolic therapy is widely used to treat disorders. This method shows good results in the fight against severe diseases of the nervous system. In combination with other methods, metabolic therapy helps restore hormonal balance in patients with excess weight. And with endometriosis and climacteric disorders, the clinical effect of this type of treatment is achieved in only 2-3 weeks.

Precautions when using metabolic therapy

Metabolic therapy in cardiology, gynecology and neurology gives a positive effect in most cases. But the process of treatment should be started as soon as possible after the diagnosis, because the time factor plays a very important role in it. For example, patients after a stroke are advisable to start taking medicines within a year, only then you can expect to almost complete recovery.

In gynecology and neurology, metabolic therapy is often used, since it has no side effects.

However, some precautions should be taken when using it:

  1. First, do not self-medicate. Only a doctor can determine which patients need medicines.
  2. Secondly, metabolic therapy in neurology and cardiology should be conducted only in a complex way! If you exclude from the treatment system even one drug, a full recovery may not occur.