First aid in stretching

Damage to ligaments and muscles is often called stretching, although this term is not entirely correct. Such injuries are characterized by a partial or complete rupture of tissues and fibers. The subsequent treatment directly depends on prehospital measures, so it is important that the first aid be given when stretching immediately after the injury.

First aid in stretching muscles

This type of injury is often confused with a rupture of ligaments. It can be distinguished by the appearance of large hematomas on the skin due to internal hemorrhage, as well as severe puffiness.

First-aid measures for stretching muscle tissue are as follows:

  1. Immediately immobilize the limb and apply ice to the affected area for about 20 minutes (minimum). The next 48 hours should be repeated every 4 hours. Instead of ice it is allowed to use packages with frozen vegetables. It is important to apply an ice pack on a napkin or towel, so as not to overcool the skin.
  2. Place the injured limb on a hill so that excess fluid is drained out.
  3. Apply a tight (squeezing) elastic bandage.
  4. Limit physical activity.

The first pre-medical medical care for stretchings involves the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs if the victim is suffering from a painful syndrome in the injured limb.

It is important to note that the broken muscle tissue in the process of recovery can be replaced by a connective tissue. Therefore, it is necessary to begin as soon as possible to perform restorative exercises. As a rule, they consist in a smooth stretching of the muscle, normalization of its elasticity and elasticity. At first, minimum loads are recommended, which gradually increase.

First aid for sprains

Timely measures taken can shorten the treatment period to 5-10 days, whereas the standard duration of therapy is up to 30 days.

Ligament ruptures are dangerous because the joint is suffering at the same time. In this case, the mobility of the limbs is severely limited or completely disappear due to intolerable pain sensations.

First aid for stretching and joint damage:

  1. Exclude any motor activity.
  2. Apply a cloth moistened with iced water or an ice pack to the affected area in the first 2 hours after getting injured. Change the compress every 30-45 minutes.
  3. To impose a tire or a fixing bandage, do not remove it before the arrival of physicians.
  4. Position the injured limb on a hill, especially if soft tissues quickly swell or become covered with hematomas.
  5. Give the patient a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (Ibuprofen, Nimesulid, Nimesil).

If there is first aid in stretching the ankle, first of all you need to carefully remove or cut off your feet shoes, socks or pantyhose, and then proceed to the above procedures.

In the future, the use of local drugs, warming compresses, physiotherapy and therapeutic gymnastics will be required. The following gels and ointments have proved to be highly effective:

All of the listed medicines have a pronounced warming-up and analgesic effect that allows you to quickly remove the characteristic symptoms of stretching, reduce the inflammatory process, restore normal mobility of the joint and limbs.