Children's New Year

Every child is looking forward to New Year's Eve. For kids it is associated with fairy tales and its heroes, gifts from the good grandfather Frost and his granddaughter Snow Maiden. And almost all children will call this holiday the most beloved. Therefore, for adults, the important issue remains the organization of a children's holiday in the New Year. In the scenario, it is necessary to take into account bad and good fairy-tale characters who will triumph over negative characters. It is necessary to involve children to participate in the festive celebration, for this purpose, children's performances should be organized for the New Year.

An important aspect of the holiday are New Year's decorations. Everywhere multicolored, flashing garlands, sparkling tinsel, decorated with beautiful toys and fir-tree balls, this all contributes to the anticipation of a miracle, fun and surprises. Children's New Year is a significant event for any crumbs, because they are preparing for matinees in pre-school establishments or cultural centers, they are waiting for beautiful carnival costumes that they want to boast about their peers. Girls ask moms to make them a real "adult" make-up and hairstyle with lush curls, and boys can be invited to paint a face in the style of his character or invite a body art specialist, from which the guys will be delighted. And if the kid takes an active part in the celebration and performs its special role, it also develops a sense of responsibility and pride in their actions, because this holiday comes only once a year.

On the eve of the New Year's celebration, the children try to behave well, learn the rhymes for Santa Claus, because he brings gifts only to obedient kids and always asks for something to sing for him, dance or tell a poem.

Children's events for the New Year can differ in their scenarios: you can arrange adventures in a fairy-tale country, hold competitions and competitions, the main thing is that children should be ecstatic and believe in the mysteriousness of everything that is happening.

Many parents simply invite professional Santa Claus and Snow Maiden to the house, who arrange a performance for children. In order not to lose with the New Year's gift, you can invite the child to write a letter to Grandfather Frost with wishes to find out his true desires. And, of course, it is worth remembering sweets - they must be present in every gift, because all children are waiting for them on this holiday.

Ideas for the children's New Year: the scenario of the holiday "On a visit to Santa Claus"

Material, equipment:

Track with traces, paper snowballs, illustrations about the seasons (summer, winter), fur-tree, boots, Grandfather Frost's cap, letter-invitation, "ice" gate for climbing, Santa Claus with gifts.

Course of entertainment:

Children receive a letter from Santa Claus, he invites children to visit him.

Moderator: Do you agree to visit your grandfather Frost?

- What do you think, and where does Santa Claus live?

- What is the name of his favorite season, why do you think so?

- Who among you loves this time of the year? What can I do in the winter? (answers of children)

Host: Well, since we know where Grandfather Frost lives, then it's time to go. Are not you afraid of frost? How to dress in the winter to not freeze? (answers of children)

Game - imitation "We will dress for a winter walk"

At the very beginning of the journey, the facilitator draws the children's attention to the track with traces.

Host: Look, this track shows us where to go. Walk the footprint into the trail, only carefully, do not fall. On the path of the hummock, small stumps, raise your legs higher so as not to touch them.

Different types of walking are used: A trace in a trace; walking with a high knee lift.

Then the path is divided into two paths. Along one path - flowers, pictures depicting the summer landscape, the sun. Along the other - snowflakes, icicles.

Question to the children: "I wonder which path we now need to go? (children offer their own option, choose and explain, justifying their choice).

Then the children along with the tutor continue their journey along the chosen path. On their way there are ice collars.

Host: Look, what obstacle on our way, you need to crawl under the ice collars, only carefully, do not touch the ground with your hands and do not bang your head against icicles (climbing under the collars without touching the floor).

On the way, a new barrier is a big snowball (snowballs made of paper).

Here's a miracle, like this,

Like a huge snow house.

And he stands in the way,

Do not let go.

Host: What should we do, guys, how to cope with the obstacle?

(discussing the suggestions of the children, the presenter also proposes his own version, then all together choose the most suitable one)

Sample answer options: clap your hands loudly so that the snowball splits into small lumps, stamps your feet, blows on someone.

The children and the presenter perform all the movements, the snowball splits into small lumps, the presenter offers to play with them in the mobile game "Toss - catch" (throwing and catching with both hands)

Host: (shivering) What a strong wind blew, right in the face. Let's try to walk backwards, though it's not very convenient, but the wind will not blow into our eyes, and it will not hurt them (the kids go backwards).

Presenter: How cold it became! Feel? Hence, we are closer to winter. Let's play a little to keep warm.

The game "We'll warm up a little"

Host: And where is Grandpa Frost?

Draws the children's attention to the Christmas tree, on the top of which there is a hat, near the Christmas tree valenki.

Moderator: What do you think, whose head and felt boots? (answers of children)

Probably, Santa Claus left us a hat and felt boots so we could play.

Game - competition "Runs in felt boots around the tree"

After the games, the presenter "accidentally" finds a note from Santa Claus in one valenka and an invitation to the New Year tree. The presenter reads the text of the note to the children about the fact that Father Frost apologizes that he could not meet with the children today, because I had to urgently go to help forest inhabitants and plants. And invites children to the New Year tree party.

Presenter: Grandfather Frost has a lot to do - cover the flowers and bushes with snow, so that they do not freeze in the winter, put the bear and the hedgehog to bed, give presents to all forest dwellers and people, close the rivers and lakes with ice, snow slides for kids. Many things need to be done. And we sing a song, dance, draw a Christmas tree and call Grandfather Frost a visit.

After the songs and dances call Father Frost, who will come with gifts.

As an option for entertainment, you can organize karaoke of children's songs about the New Year.