Borsch with herring

Read it, this name can be surprised, but it should not be laughed at all (the inhabitants of the Baltic countries will not be like that, as well as the Scandinavians and, probably, the Russian northern pomors).

Tell us how to make borscht with herring, so to speak, Norwegian (in our time interpenetrating culinary traditions this approach is quite possible). In fact, borscht with herring is a liquid vinaigrette (hot or cold). This dish definitely will interest the fasting and non-strict vegetarians.

The herring of the northern seas is most suitable for us.

Recipe for hot borsch with herring



Separately we boil carrots, beets, without peeling, for 20 minutes. Cooled vegetables are cleaned. We cut carrots and beets either with straw, or with small blocks. We divide the herring on a clean fillet and cut into small pieces.

Boil the peeled and sliced ​​potatoes together with finely chopped mushrooms (water is poured according to the number of portions). Cook for 15 minutes, then lay the herring and boil for another 5 minutes, no more.

If the polka dots are fresh or frozen - boil together with mushrooms, potatoes and herring, if canned, do not do this - add it (just drain the preserving syrup).

Add the beets and carrots to the pot with the prepared potatoes, mushrooms, peas and herring. Season with lemon juice and grated spices. You can fill the borsch with tomato paste (1-2 tablespoons). We pour borscht into soup cups, add sour cream, and also crushed herbs and garlic. Under such a wonderful dish you can serve a glass of teeth, stalk, kymmel, or other bitter tinctures, or vodka with a neutral taste.

Cold borsch with lightly salted herring on kefir



Beetroot and carrots in the peel separately boil, clean and cut into small pieces.

We peel the potatoes, cut them into small cubes-cubes and boil together with the young beans, the broth with salt in a separate bowl.

Oyster mushrooms can be boiled with potatoes, but they are quite edible and even more useful in raw form, so just cut them large. If you have other mushrooms - boil (some types are better at all to boil separately and drain the broth). You can use ready-made pickled mushrooms, just rinse. We crush greens and garlic.

All the prepared ingredients are combined and filled with yogurt or unsweetened yoghurt. If it is too thick - add a little potato-bean broth.

We make herring on fillets, cut into small pieces and add to borsch. Season with spices, do not salt (in light-salted herring, salt is already enough). Add the crushed herbs and garlic to the borsch. All the mix.

Now borscht should be brewed, but in the cool, so we put a lid covered in a refrigerator in the refrigerator for at least 2-4 hours, and it is better to eat it the next day.

It is also good to add cucumber (in any form) and, maybe, sauerkraut to borsch with herring.