Rules of the game in dominoes

Domino is a game that most of us have known since childhood. Today there are many varieties of this entertainment on sale, some of which are suitable only for adults and teenagers, and others - even for toddlers over 2-3 years old. You can play dominoes in different ways. In this article, we give the rules of playing dominoes for children and adults, which will allow you and your kid to spend time with benefit and interest.

The rules of the game in the traditional Russian dominoes

The main rule of the game in the classic dominoes is to score points more than the other players. In this version of the game take part from 2 to 4 adults or older children. If two players play, they get 7 chips. If the number of participants is more than 2, all of them are given 5 dominos. The rest are turned upside down and represent a "market".

Begin to lay out their chips on the playing field should be the person in the set which has a "6-6" double. If it is not available, the game is offered to the owner of the chips "5-5" or other duplicates by seniority. If none of the players on hand does not have a single double, the first on the field is laid out dominoška with a maximum amount of points.

In the future, clockwise, the participants spread their chips the right side. So, in particular, if the field is a "6-6" double, you can attach any domino with "six" to it. If nothing of what is on hand, does not fit, the player will have to get the right amount of chips in the "bazaar."

In the traditional version of the game wins the one who puts the last chip on the playing field and remains with nothing. At the same time, the amount of points of all the dominoes remaining in the hands of his comrades is recorded on his account. If the game ends with a "fish", that is, when all the players have chips on their hands, but there is no way to put them on the field, the winner is the one who was able to "sell" the maximum number of points and left in his hands the least points . In this case, he is also awarded the whole amount of advantages of dominoes on the hands of rivals.

Rules of the game in children's dominoes

The rules for playing the children's dominoes depend on how many people will take part in this entertainment. The main task of each player is to get rid of the chips that he got in the beginning, faster than others. The rules of the game of children's dominoes for two children or adults together with the child are no different. Each of them is randomly given out 7 chips, the rest remain in the "bank".

Since in most varieties of the domino game, only images and not numbers are marked on the chips, it is first necessary to agree which of the pictures have a greater advantage over the others. Depending on this, to lay out their dominoes on the field begins the one who has a chip with paired images or any other, which the players managed to agree on.

After that, the second participant puts a domino with a similar picture or, if he does not have the opportunity to make a move, takes a chip from the "bank". If the desired figure is not there, the player skips the turn. So, gradually, the participants part with their dominoes, trying to get rid of them as soon as possible.

The rules of the game in the children's dominoes of the three differ only in the number of chips that players receive at the very beginning. Depending on how many dominoes are included in the game, they can be given 6 or 5 chips. In all other respects, the rules of the game are preserved completely.

Both children's and adult dominoes are not only cheerful, but also very useful and entertaining game. Be sure to spend the evening with the whole family, laying out bright colorful chips, and you will come back again and again to this fascinating pastime.