Games for traffic rules for schoolchildren

Protecting the health and lives of children is a key task for parents and educators. Therefore, in schools, a lot of time is spent on familiarizing the children with the rules of the road (SDA).

It is easiest for children to learn useful knowledge and skills in a game form. Games for traffic rules for schoolchildren - is the training and consolidation of knowledge of the rules of the road.

In school, games based on SDA are selected according to the age and psychophysical characteristics of students.

For first-graders, the game according to the SDA will be distinguished by a large number of tasks for motor activity. It can be such fascinating games, as "Centipede" and "Road telephone".

Game Centipede

Children are divided into several teams of 8-10 people. Each team is given a long cord. All players are evenly distributed along its length.

On a conditional signal, all run to the finish line, along a specially equipped pathway containing road signs. Winners are the team that will first come running to the finish line.

Game "Road phone"

Players split into several groups, which become in line.

The leader calls each player in the line the specific word - the name of the road sign. The task of the players is to convey the information to the next player with gestures.

The group that can correctly communicate the word wins.

The game of SDA for high school students should consolidate knowledge of the main signs and educate the culture of pedestrian behavior. Such an intellectual game on the SDA will help protect children from fatal errors on the roads.

Game "Road signs"

Participants are lining up in a circle. In the center is the leader, who approaches one of the players, names one of the four groups of signs - prohibiting, prescriptive, warning or priority signs.

The task of the children is to name one by one in turn. Drop out of the game those participants who can not give an answer.

Game "Remember the Sign"

Select different road signs, which are depicted graphically and attached to the back of the participants. But at the same time, no one should see them.

Then, within 3-5 minutes the players diverge and everyone must have time to remember as many signs as possible. It is very important to maximally dodge to prevent other participants from seeing the sign on their back.

The winner is the one who can remember the greatest number of characters.

Teaching games for children on the rules of the road help to develop road literacy and educate truly wise and attentive pedestrians.