Diet on the bran - how to eat bran properly to lose weight?

Until recently, people did not even hear about the fiber-rich shell of grain. But in it lies the main benefit of such crops as rice, millet, millet, oats, etc. Recently, the diet on bran has become very popular. It is good because it does not oblige to change the usual diet.

Which bran is better for losing weight

Habitual food gets on the table processed. Bread, white rice, oat-flakes and other products lost their nourishing shell. In itself, it is caloric, but it is a special non-digestible element. Benefits of bran in losing weight in the following: they serve to cleanse the body, improve the microflora, normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract. For weight loss, any type of insoluble fiber:

Diet with bran for weight loss

Answering the question of how useful bran for weight loss, immediately recalled the coarse fiber dietary fiber. In the stomach they are not digested, have a bactericidal effect on the body and improve digestion, eliminate slagging. You can find the grinding in products of vegetable origin: vegetables (beets, carrots), mushrooms, berries, etc. But the use of finished offal is the easiest way to get this element in the required quantities. In addition, the shell of the grain contains:

  1. Vitamins of group B - a source of beauty of hair, nails, positively affecting the skin condition.
  2. Potassium, which removes excess water from the body, strengthens the vessels, improves the work of the heart and other muscles.

How to eat bran to lose weight? A ready-made product sold in loose form must be eaten three times a day for 10-15 minutes before meals. Start with a half teaspoon, increasing the volume to one or two dining rooms. The most important rule is to drink mass with a sufficient amount of water. Only in this way will the benefits of grain be obtained.

Diet on oat bran

The time has passed when the shell from oats was considered a waste of flour production. Today it is one of the most popular ingredients of various diets, a rich source of vitamins of various groups (A, B, E), as well as fluorine, calcium, zinc, chromium and other substances. You can add oats to any dish - porridge, salads, soups and second courses, or eat them before meals, without changing the diet . But if you are interested in how there is a bran to lose weight in a short time, you can adhere to a strict menu:

Diet on rye bran

Very useful and rye bran for weight loss: they help to eliminate constipation, remove toxins, avoid colds. They make porridges from rye, bake cookies and bread, add it to kefir, pies. Consumption is allowed for pregnant and lactating, sick with diabetes mellitus, anemia, oncological diseases. General principle of nutrition:

  1. Take meals three times a day with a small amount of fiber.
  2. In the first week in the diet, one spoon of a subducting product is added per reception.
  3. On the third and fourth week, the amount of rye fibers increases to 2-3 table spoons.
  4. The main rule is to wash down the fiber with a lot of water: at least one or two liters per day.

Diet on wheat bran

Wheat bran for weight loss is suitable in the same way as oat and rye. To transfer such a diet is simple, you can simply replace any snacks by consuming finished fiber with water. It is recommended to keep the diet for at least two weeks. The menu is as follows:

Diet on bran and kefir

Some foods are recommended to supplement with others, so it is with fiber. Kefir with bran for weight loss perfectly complement each other. Nutritionists even developed a special menu for a week, adhering to which you can lose up to 4-5 kg. The diet is as follows:

Diet on bran and fruit

In order for the unprocessed grain to favorably influence digestion, it is necessary to know with what and how to take bran for weight loss. But if sour-milk products cause rejection, and in pure form there is no desiring, you can diversify the menu with unsweetened and non-starchy fruits: apples, kiwi, oranges, etc. These products perfectly in harmony with the grain shell: bran promote weight loss, and fruits give the necessary vitamins. To speed up the result, you can adhere to a strict diet, designed for 2-3 days:

Diet in the bran has received a lot of positive feedback, as it is balanced and sparing - stick to it is not difficult. It is enough for one or two weeks for the effect to become noticeable. Daily consumption of grain by-products has a surprising effect on the work of the intestines, it has a beneficial effect on the appearance and internal health.