Prayer of repentance

Our life turns into a gloomy dungeon, from which we desperately seek a way out, but do not understand why we got here. We are engaged in some sort of business, fussing, hurrying, but where? We forgot about the most important thing, that God loves us as we are. And not for something good, what we did to him, but just like that. When you know that you are loved, and life becomes easier.

What is the penitential prayer?

Penitential prayer is the words uttered by a person to God, with the realization of the need for his participation in human life. In this prayer we acknowledge our sinfulness, and ask for forgiveness for our actions and thoughts , and also ask the Lord to help us to reform.

Prayers of repentance and forgiveness do not mean automatic salvation and deliverance from the severity of sins. They only show your repentance, which must be full of all human life.

Aspects of penitential prayer

The first thing that should contain the prayer of repentance to the Lord is a humble repentance in the deed. The Bible says that we are all sinners, and we must admit it. Because of our sins, we deserve eternal punishment, but we ask God to have mercy on us and release our sins.

The second is the realization of what God has done for us. God loves humanity and therefore he sacrificed his son in the name of our salvation. He sent Jesus to the earth, who revealed to us the truth and lived a sinless life, dying on the cross for us. He accepted our punishment, and as a proof of the victory over sin, he rose from the dead.

Thanks to him, we seek God's forgiveness through the prayer of repentance for the remission of sins. All that is required of a Christian is to believe that Jesus died for us and rose from the dead.

The best prayer of repentance is that which a person utters sincerely, which comes from the very heart, heated by the truth of faith and the realization of its sinfulness. Repentance can be expressed in your own words, special "magic" words and rituals are not needed here, just ask God for forgiveness and he will hear you.

But still it is recommended to learn at least one penitential prayer. Church prayers are good because they were written under the saints' instructions. They are a special sound vibration, because they are not just words, letters, sounds, but from a saintly person.

The next prayer of repentance must be read daily:

"I confess to You the Lord my God and the Creator, in the Holy Trinity, One, glorified and worshiped by the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, all my sins, which are sodey all the days of my belly, and every hour, and now, and in past days and nights, by deed, word, thought, confession, piracy, secretion, idle talk, discouragement, laziness, disobedience, disobedience, slander, condemnation, negligence, vanity, polyhumanism, embezzlement, wrongdoing, bad behavior, bribery, jealousy, envy, anger , remembrance, not and my senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, and other my sins, soulful and bodily, which are like your God and the Creator of my anger, and my neighbor, those who are unjust: I am sorry about them, I represent my wine to you to my God , And I have the will to repent: I sharpen, O Lord my God, help me, with tears I implore You to me: Come, forgive me, forgive me for your mercy, and forgive me from all these, who have already sinned before You as good and good-humored. "

Sacrament of Penance

In Christianity there is not only the practice of daily repentance, but also a special sacrament called Confession. In the Sacrament of Confession, the believer repents of his sins before the Lord, pronouncing them before the priest. And the priest, endowed with the power of God, forgives him these sins and instructs on a righteous lifestyle.