Prayers for the Preservation of Pregnancy

Most often prayers during pregnancy are raised by those women who are afraid for the preservation of the fetus. There are several periods during pregnancy that are considered to be potentially dangerous for the child, and when a woman is put to stay in the hospital, many turn to the saints to help save the child. We will consider prayers for a successful pregnancy, which are considered the most reliable and effective.

Prayer for the Preservation of Pregnancy for the Parents of the Mother of God: Joachim and Anne

Oh, the adore of Christ the righteous, the saints of the God-bearing fathers Joachim and Anno, the upcoming Heavenly Throne of the Great King and the great boldness to Him of possessions, as from the Most Blessed Virgin, the Most-Pure Virgin Mary and Ever-Virgin Mary, become incarnate!

To you, as a multifaceted representative and assiduous about us as a prayer book, we resort to sinfulness and unworthiness.

Pray for His goodness, for He has turned away His wrath from us, according to our deeds, He has righteously moved us, and our countless sins have despised us, will turn us to the path of repentance, and in the path of His commandments, He will confirm us.

Also, with your prayers in the world, save our life, and in all the good things ask all for the belly and godliness that God needs from us, from all sorts of misfortunes and misfortunes, and sudden death by your present deliverance, and from all enemies of the visible and invisible, We shall live in quiet and silent life in all piety and purity, and such a temporary life in the world will pass away, we will reach eternal peace, with your holy indulgence, and will be honored by the Heavenly Kingdom of Christ our God, Himself, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, obaet all glory, honor and worship forever. Amen.

Prayer for the Preservation of the Virgin Mary

Oh, Glorious Mother of God, have mercy on me, Your servant, come to my aid during my illnesses and dangers, with which all the poor daughters of Eve give birth. Remember, O Blessed One in wives, with what joy and love You went hastily to a mountain country to visit your Elisabeth akin during her pregnancy, and what a marvelous visit was made by your blessed visit to the mother and the baby. And from thy inexhaustible mercy grant me also, with thy humble servant, to be delivered from burdens safely; grant me this grace, that the child who is now resting under my heart, come to life, with joyful vigilance, like the holy baby John, worshiped the Divine Lord Savior, who, out of love for us, sinners, did not abhor himself and become a baby. The unheeded joy with which the virgin Your heart was filled in the sight of the newborn Son and Lord, may please the tribulation that lies ahead of me among the diseases of birth. The life of the world, my Savior, born of you, may save me from death, which will suppress the life of many mothers at the time of resolution and May the fruit of my womb be counted among the elect of God. Hear, O Most Holy Queen of Heaven, my humble entreaty, and look at me, poor sinner, with the eye of Thy grace; Do not be ashamed of my trust in Your great mercy and autumn me, Assistant Christians, Healer of diseases, so I will be able to experience myself that you are the Mother of Mercy, and I will always bless your grace, not rejecting the prayers of the poor and delivering all who call upon You in times of trouble and sickness. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Prayer for bearing (to save pregnancy) should be pronounced with a pure heart, and best of all - from memory . For best effect, it is recommended to say it in church, or at home, but holding a church wax candle.