Prayer on Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday is a Christian holiday, celebrated on the last Sunday before Easter. On this day the Lord went to Jerusalem. The willow branch is a symbol of the victory of life over death. Since ancient times, it is believed that the prayers on Palm Sunday have tremendous power, and they can change a person's life for the better. To date, there are many different signs, conspiracies and rituals that are also being held on this holiday.

What prayers to read on Palm Sunday?

It is believed that the pussy has magical properties, so it protects a person from various negative and problems. That is why the people consecrated in the church kept the twigs in their house throughout the year. On Saturday before the holiday, old branches should be swept around the corners of the house, thank them for their service, and then burn them.

Before going to church, you must buy or break a new bouquet. In service, the priest reads the Gospel, and then, spends the burning of the willows and consecrates the branches brought to service. During this he reads this prayer:

"These words are consecrated, the Grace of the Holy Spirit. Amen".

This prayer can be read independently, if there is no possibility to go to church, but only to sprinkle a willow is forbidden to women who have critical days. It is important not to give anyone a twig from your consecrated bouquet, since it is so possible to lose one's happiness. Arriving home, the pussy will bless all the members of the household, for which they must be gently beaten on the back. If you are interested in what prayer is read at home on Palm Sunday during this ritual, then it sounds like this:

"Werbe Xie, God forgive."

On this day it is customary to conduct various rituals that help with different life problems.

On Palm Sunday, you can conduct a rite, which will help during the year not be afraid of any disease. In the morning, on an empty stomach, you should eat three kidney buds and drink their holy water. After this, it is worth reading the prayer on Palm Sunday for health:

"Saint Paul was waving his pussy, he was driving me away from other people's diseases. It's true that Palm Sunday is honored, it's true that other people's diseases do not stick to me. Amen".

If a person suffers from a headache, then he should comb it out on this holiday, remove hair from the comb and put them into the water. Fluid water willow and say these words:

"Water, go to earth with a headache."

To get rid of the fever it is worth eating nine earrings of pussy-willow.

If there are problems in the financial sphere and for attracting wealth. It is necessary to put a consecrated branch in the water and wait until it releases roots. After that, drop her out on the street near the house and say such a prayer on Palm Sunday for wealth:

"I, servant of God (name), I plant a red willow, watering the key water. As my, the willow grows, let my wealth also grow. Bless, Lord Jesus Christ and Ever-Virgin Mary! Amen".

The tree should be watered every day. If the willow withers, then you can not wait for a big profit and improve the financial situation. The next year, the ritual can be repeated.

There is a simple ceremony in order to strengthen love and improve relations in the family. It is necessary to go to the service and consecrate the willow. Arriving home, put the branches for the icon and say the prayer on Palm Sunday for love:

"As long as the willow behind the icon is lying, Until then, my husband will not stop loving, will not forget. Amen".

It is best not to clean the willow until the next holiday and not touch it throughout the year. As for the icon, it is best to use the image of Peter and Fevronia , as these saints are the patrons of a happy marriage. If this icon is not, then use any other family image.

Signs on the True Sunday:

  1. If a person experiences a long time because of some problem, then it is necessary to eat a willow bud on this church holiday.
  2. To improve your financial situation, you should plant any house plant on Palm Sunday.
  3. The wind on this day indicates that this summer will be such a weather.
  4. Bright sun means that this year will be a rich harvest of cereals and fruits.
  5. On Palm Sunday it is worth baking nuts at home from the test and handing out to all people close to them, which is important for health. Do not forget to treat your animals.