Pork Chain

In the body of a healthy person, there are many microorganisms that live with a man in a natural symbiosis and form an integral part of his normal functioning: say, the bacteria that make up the flora of the intestine.

However, there is a huge spectrum of organisms, not only protozoa, but also multicellular, which are introduced into the human body from the outside, and are parasitic forms that live at the expense of the host. These include helminths, in the people simply - worms.

One of the most dangerous for human species is pork tapeworm, pork tapeworm or armed tapeworm. The last name describes the presence of the worm special hooks, with which it is fixed in the intestine. Helminth refers to the form of tapeworms, parasitizes inside mammals.

Infection with pork chain

Occurs, as a rule, when consumed in food is not enough heat-treated pork finnish (infected by larvae) meat. Also through dirty hands, insufficient processing of vegetables grown on fertilized soil, through the mouth of an already sick person. It is also possible to self-contamination by contacting oncospheres (worm larvae) into the stomach from the intestine.

Life cycle of pork chain

  1. Onkosfera - a worm larva, developing in the intestines of a pig from a laid egg. It is a ball of many cells with six chitinous hooks on it. Working hooks, larvae penetrate into the blood, muscle tissue and other organs.
  2. Cysticerci , or Finns - larval vesicles, are filled with a liquid, the size of a pea, contains a small pit with embryos of suckers and hooks. To develop into a worm, a Finn needs to get into the human intestine. The process of infection by Finns occurs through infected meat, in the body the larvae become active and develop into an adult.
  3. An adult. In the human intestine, the Finn develops into the helminth, building up new segments, proglottids. Segments, located after the neck of the chain. They contain up to 50,000 eggs, covered with a shell and containing an embryo (oncosphere).

Symptoms of Pork Chain

  1. Cysticercosis - develops due to ingestion, and the spread of cysticerci in the body. Possible localization in the spinal cord, lungs, heart, stomach, muscle tissue. Symptoms depend on the location of cysticerci:
  • Teniosis - develops as a result of the life of an adult. Sometimes the symptoms are weak enough and are usually ignored by the patient. Appear 6-8 weeks after infection with cysticerci, there are pains in the abdomen, nausea, diarrhea or constipation, weakness, dizziness, vomiting, intermittent headaches, sleep disturbances.
  • The presence in the feces of segments of a rectangular shape that look like white worms is a symptom of parasitizing the pork chain.

    Pig-liver - treatment

    Treatment of the pork chopstick is quite a challenge in connection with the localization and method of attachment of the parasite. As a rule, drugs with increased toxicity are prescribed, which affects the digestive tract, liver function, general condition (loss of appetite, dizziness and headache). But at the moment there are more modern and less radical alternative methods, such as bioresonance therapy.