How to wean a cat to tear furniture?

Cats can be safely called one of the most common pets. They bribe with their soft hair, caress and wayward independent character. But the content of domestic animals implies not only tenderness and joint pastime, but also possible domestic turmoil. For example - property damage.

What can I do if my beloved cat fights furniture? The most important thing is not to scold or beat her, it will only aggravate the problem. We need to understand that she does it not from evil, but based on her natural needs - to sharpen the claws. That cats do not tear up furniture sometimes it is enough to provide them with a special adaptation for these purposes - a scratching pad. But if this does not help - try to follow such simple advice.

How to wean a cat to tear furniture - practical advice

  1. If you glue the corners of furniture with double-sided tape or sticky tape - this can scare the cat off, because it does not like it when something is glued to its paws.
  2. You can sprinkle soft furniture with special sprays, the smell of which does not like cats, but for people not sensitive. They are sold in pet stores.
  3. Lightly spray the corners of furniture with lemon juice - cat's do not like this smell.
  4. One of the innovations in this direction are special silicone attachments. They are glued directly to the claws of the pet and do not give the opportunity to scratch.

In addition, accustom your pet to such a procedure as pruning claws. If you do this periodically, then the need to sharpen the claws constantly simply disappears.

When asked if the cats are kicking leather furniture , we will answer in the affirmative. But unlike the rest, it is almost impossible to hide the damage on such furniture.

What cats do not take furniture at all? Only those who have been properly educated and have been taught to sharpen their claws in specially designated places since childhood.