Toxocarosis in cats

Toxocarosis in cats is caused by round helminths of the Ascarid family. These helminths are terrible because they parasitize not only in the intestine, but through the blood they penetrate into all other organs of the animal's body. They can choose their habitat for the lungs, spleen, liver, lymph nodes or brain. And the consequences of their dwelling in the cat's body can be very diverse, but always deplorable.

Very often symptoms of toxocarias in cats are almost not manifested. In addition to reducing the activity of the animal, you may notice a change in its taste preferences. So the cat can start eating polyethylene or excrement on the street. It happens that the disease manifests itself in the increase of lymph nodes or digestive disorders. When helminths defeat the nervous system, the animal can become aggressive. In kittens, toxocarosis manifests itself more noticeably. They may suffer from diarrhea, vomiting , loss of appetite, hair loss or restlessness. But the most important thing is that this disease can cause a kitten to lag behind in growth and development.

How to cure toxocariasis?

When diagnosing a cat for this disease, it is prescribed anthelmintics. It can be a Drontal Plus pill, which is given once for 1 tablet per kilogram of animal weight. Or, for three days in the morning feeding add Fegtal one tablet per 3 kg of weight. But the treatment of toxocarias in cats is not so important as the prevention of disease in young animals. The first time it is desirable to carry out the de-worming of the kittens at the age of three weeks.

Unequivocally answer the question, whether it is possible to cure toxocarosis in cats, is quite difficult. This is due to the fact that anthelmintics affect only adult parasites, and the larvae remain in the body. Therefore, the prevention of toxocariasis is very important. For this, the animal should be treated annually from all types of helminths. It is recommended to do this in autumn. And in no case should you give the cat raw meat, since it can contain eggs of parasites.