Eating after eating

If you often have burping after eating, there is reason to be on the alert. Such violations of the digestive system are evidence of disease. Distinguish the natural, physiological eructation, from the painful in each of us!

Eating and heartburn after eating - not good

Eating after eating with heartburn is evidence of increased acidity of gastric juice. The reasons can be several:

Sometimes belching sour after eating is a symptom of stomach cancer, so if this phenomenon recurs for several days, consult a doctor.

Bitter eructation in combination with heartburn indicates the ingestion of bile in the stomach, which is also a good reason to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist.

What is the cause of frequent eructations after eating?

In order to find out why there is a belch after eating, you need to carefully monitor what precedes this phenomenon. Often the reason lies not in a dangerous disease, but in the absence of a culture of eating, nervous breakdown, stress and irrational menu.

The eructation itself is quite normal, so the stomach regulates internal pressure, releasing excess air to normalize the process of digesting various types of food. In a healthy person, the eructation is usually single, almost silent and not accompanied by extraneous taste sensations, it can contain the smell of foods that you ate. But repeated repetition of eructations within an hour indicates that something went wrong according to plan. If this is a physiological eructation, it can be caused by the following factors:

In order to get rid of eructations, it is only necessary to eliminate the provoking factor. Especially it concerns the removal of nervousness: from excessive experiences, many people start to breathe frequently and incorrectly, as a result of which air enters the digestive system and erupts. Sedation funds will completely solve this problem.

When is it necessary to treat eructations after eating?

If the eructation without sour and bitter taste, is not accompanied by a smell, but does not stop even after the normalization of eating behavior, it can testify about such diseases as:

Also, some medications can provoke eructations.

In order to start treatment, you need to know why you have a belch after eating. If the cause is in the illness, a doctor should prescribe the medicine. If the matter is in overeating, aerophagia (getting air into the stomach) and other external causes, you can eliminate it yourself. To do this, take the drug, normalizing digestion (Mezim, Festal) and drink a small amount of warm water in small sips. You can take a light adsorbent.

The treatment of belching after eating folk methods suggests the use of freshly squeezed juice of raw potatoes and white cabbage, this helps to reduce the acidity of gastric juice.

You can also eat 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flaxseeds. They need to be poured with a small amount of warm water and leave for an hour and a half. After that, grind with a blender, or eat as a whole, thoroughly chewing each grain.