Inflammation of appendages - treatment with folk remedies

Adnexitis (salpingoophoritis) or inflammation of the uterine appendages is caused by pathogenic microorganisms such as streptococci, mycobacterium tuberculosis, staphylococcus, E. coli, gonococci, etc. Disease in neglected form is fraught with infertility, therefore it is important to consult a doctor with the first symptoms of adnexitis (abdominal pain, increased temperature). Women wishing to overcome the inflammation of the appendages, folk treatment offers many time-tested ways to effectively supplement conservative treatment.

Decoctions and infusions

To restore immunity and to overcome the inflammation of the appendages helps treatment with herbs - it is better to use several medicinal plants so that their properties complement each other.

  1. Clear (nettle white) - in 150 ml of boiling water dilute a spoonful of dry raw material, allow to infuse in a thermos for 15 minutes, add a spoonful of honey. The optimal daily dose of infusion is 200 ml (50 ml four times a day).
  2. Donnick (1 spoonful) and coltsfoot (1 spoonful) - pour the raw material 400 ml of boiling water, for 1 hour to insist. Ready to drink 5 times a day for 4 tablespoons. Usually for 2-3 weeks such treatment helps to overcome the chronic inflammation of the appendages.
  3. Walnut leaves - dried raw materials (1 spoon) pour 200 ml of boiling water. After 4 hours, the infusion is ready - you need to drink it during the day.
  4. Aloe juice , filtered from freshly cut leaves, take 2-4 tablespoons before meals (for half an hour).
  5. The color of small-leaved linden - 3 tablespoons per 450 ml of boiling water, insist 20 minutes, take a strained infusion before each meal in half a cup.
  6. Bark or root of turn - 1,5 tablespoons of raw material diluted in 220 ml of boiling water, cook for 15 minutes on low heat. Decoction to drink 1,5 cups a day.


Effective during the treatment of inflammation of the appendages, such folk methods as syringing are effective.

  1. It will take 3 parts of wild rose berries, 2 parts of strawberry leaves and oak bark, one part of cherry flowers, lavender grass and wormwood. Collect the collection collected in a thermos, pour boiling water (1 liter). After 2 hours you can start douching, if necessary, chill to cool, so as not to burn yourself. The procedure is best done before bedtime.
  2. Make a collection of flowers mallow forest, flowers or leaves of immortelle, oak bark, blackberry flowers. Ingredients are taken in equal parts. In a thermos put 5 spoonfuls of collection, pour boiling water (1 liter), after half an hour filter, cool. Douches need morning and evening.
  3. It is necessary to pour 200 ml of boiling water 4 spoons of the collection from the flowers of chamomile and linden (3: 2). After 30 minutes of infusion in the thermos, the ready-made collection can be syringed.


Decoction of chamomile can be done and rectal syringing - the following scheme of treatment of inflammation of the appendages is effective:

Such treatment inflammation of the appendages in women allows you to quickly remove the pain in the lower abdomen due to the antiseptic effect of chamomile. The procedure should be repeated every evening.

Steam baths

Such a folk method of treating inflammation of the appendages, like sitting above the steam, is a little dangerous because of the risk of getting a burn, but it is very effective in observing precautions. Over a hot curative broth you need to sit in a comfortable pose, you can pour the mixture into a tub or a bucket.

  1. In 2 liters of water dilute a handful of dried blueberry (nettle white). Cook the mixture over low heat, after 10 minutes strain.
  2. Head with fresh cabbage, pour the milk, heat until steam.
  3. Forest hay pour water and bring to a boil.

Above the steam you need to sit, until the mixture cools. The treatment is continued until the inflammation of the appendages and ovaries passes.