Azalea - care

The azalea flower is considered one of the most beautifully flowering plants. Extraordinary flowers of azaleas conquer even those who are indifferent to domestic plants. Azalea requires constant attention and daily care, but despite such a difficult content, this flower is one of the most popular indoor plants.

The azalea plant belongs to the heather family. This flower is a branchy evergreen shrub that blooms from November to May, depending on the variety. The birthplace of azalea is India and China. Many gardeners in the Middle Ages tried to grow azalea in Europe. But, unfortunately, the flowers did not take root and died. For the first time azalea was grown outside her homeland only in the early nineteenth century in the Botanical Garden of London. Since then, a large number of different varieties and species of azalea have been bred. To date, there are also hybrids of azalea, which differ in the form of leaves, flowering, coloring.

All varieties of azalea can be divided into three groups, according to the periods of flowering: early-flowering, medium-tinted, and late-maturing. If you grow azaleas of different species, then you can admire their beautiful flowers for six months. Also, the flowers are divided into: azaleas indoor and garden azalea.

How to care for azalea?

Care for a plant such as azalea is not easy. This beautiful ornamental bush is considered one of the most moody. Before starting a plant, you should familiarize yourself with the reviews of azaleas owners about flower care.

When growing azalea in the room, you need to choose a bright place, which will be protected from direct sunlight. The garden azalea should be planted in a shady place, sheltered from drafts. In a hot time, the home azalea must be taken out to fresh air, preferably in the garden. If there is no such possibility, then on the balcony.

Azalea does not tolerate dry air. When in the apartment, the flower should be sprayed at least twice a day during the hot season. Watering the plant should be in the mornings, but not too abundant. Excessively moist soil is detrimental to this flower. To water azalea, use only a few days of tap water or rainwater. In autumn and winter, watering azaleas is reduced, and spraying is carried out only in the heating season, when the air in the room is overdried.

Azalea needs constant feeding. Fertilize the flower follows mineral fertilizers at least once every two weeks.

The more branched azalea bush, the less abundant it blooms. Therefore, azalea must be cut regularly. It is necessary to remove not only dried branches, but also greatly expanded, especially those whose growth is directed into the interior.


Reproduction of azalea in the home is done by dividing semi-extruded cuttings. Although the probability that the shoot will germinate is very small. Propagation azalea should be in the period from May to September.

When growing this plant, you need to be prepared for that, that such problems can arise:

You can buy azalea in a flower shop or from specialists who cultivate these plants. If you are willing to devote your time to the care of azalea, then your works will not be in vain. The stunningly beautiful flowering of this ornamental plant will delight you and all your acquaintances.