Adjika from the Bulgarian pepper

The Russified recipe for the original Abkhazian sauce is usually based on a large number of tomatoes that muffle thermonuclear sharpness. As part of this recipe, the lion's share of Adzhika will be sweet Bulgarian pepper. You can vary the content of hot pepper at your own discretion, based on personal preferences, and where and how you will use the prepared sauce.

Adjika from Bulgarian pepper for the winter

In addition to sweet pepper, the basis of this adzhika make and tomatoes, but because this sauce is characterized by minimal sharpness and is suitable as a substitute for pizza sauce and homemade ketchup.



Sweet pepper burn over a burning hotplate until its peel is blackened. Put the peppers in a bag and tie, let them steam up under the force of their own heat for a couple of minutes, so that they can then be easily cleaned. In the meantime, lightly cut the peel of tomatoes and blanch them. Remove the peel, cut the fruits randomly and send them to the saucepan along with pieces of sweet pepper, onion and garlic cloves. Grind the required amount of hot pepper and add it to the sauce. Now it only remains to boil Adjika from the Bulgarian pepper for about 20 minutes and you can pour the sauce over sterile cans and roll.

Adjika from apples and bell peppers

Crude Adzhika is not suitable for canning, but is suitable for storage in a refrigerator. In its composition, there are absolutely no tomatoes, but there are such components not characteristic for adzhiki, like apples and carrots.



Preparation takes a minimum of time, but to prepare all the ingredients you need to clear the sweet and hot pepper from the seeds, remove the top layer with carrots and peel from apples. Now cut all the prepared ingredients into large pieces and pass through the meat grinder along with the garlic teeth and greens. Mix the sauce with vegetable oil, place on containers and store closed in the refrigerator.

Classical Abkhazian Adzhika with Bulgarian pepper

Despite the fact that the classical Abkhaz adzhika is salt, garlic and greased salt, it is quite possible to cook it with the addition of sweet pepper in order to soften the taste.



Such a raw adzhika is most conveniently cooked in a mortar, first having rinsed all the seeds into powder, then adding nuts and turning them into a paste, and in the finale, putting hot and sweet pepper. Once the mass becomes more or less homogeneous, season the sauce with salt and transfer to a clean container for storage.

Adjika from Bulgarian pepper without tomato



After peeling the peppers, whip them with a blender with vinegar, garlic and spices. As soon as the sauce becomes homogeneous, pour it over a clean container and tightly close the lids. Keep in the cold until you need it.