How to clean and wash anything (well, or almost everything)

In the summer everyone understands perfectly what it means!

1. Acrylic paint on clothes

Just rub a little bit of dirt with isopropyl alcohol.

2. Ventilation grilles

Do not breathe dust accumulating there! A piece of cloth, a cleanser and a knife will help to cope with the problem.

3. Footprints from perspiration

Mix a tablespoon of dishwashing liquid with 3-4 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and 2 tablespoons of soda and apply to the problem place.

4. Toys for the bathroom

Mix half a cup of vinegar with 3 liters of water, soak the toys for an hour. Pour out all the water that has accumulated inside. But it is even easier to prevent water from getting inside and forming mold - you just need to drop a little glue into the air hole so that the water does not get inside.

5. Blinds

Mix equal parts of vinegar and water, put a sock on your hand and wipe each plate.

6. Brass

Wipe half a lemon with salt.

7. Burnt frying pans

Fill the frying pan with water, add a cup of vinegar, boil, add 2 tablespoons of soda. Drain and scrape.

8. Wool of animals on the carpet

Use a scraper with a rubber edge (for windows).

9. Burnt frying pan

Sprinkle a quarter of a cup of shallow salt and rub it with a crumpled paper towel.

10. Grater

Rub on it raw potatoes and rinse with water.

11. Grill grill

Cut the onion, insert a fork and rub the hot grate with the cut side.

12. Grinder or grindstone for spices

To clean and remove odors, grind dry bread or dry rice. You can also use a teaspoon of soda.

13. Oven

Leave a bowl with a half cup of ammonia in a completely cooled oven for the night. Just wipe it the next morning.

14. Wooden cutting board

Lemon and large salt cleans well the wooden and bamboo boards.

15. Plastic cutting board

Soak the board in a mixture of water and bleach. It will become like new!

16. Fat from the floor

Use such a composition for washing the floor: a quarter of a cup of vinegar, a tablespoon of liquid soap, a quarter of a cup of soda, about 6 liters of warm water.

17. Washing machine

Mix a quarter cup of water with the same amount of soda. Put the resulting paste in the detergent compartment. In the machine drum, pour 2 cups of vinegar. Turn on the washing mode with the highest temperature and let the machine run the full cycle. Wipe the drum with a sponge.

18. Glass ceramic hob

You will need a dishwashing liquid, soda, gloves and a cloth. Pour the soda in a thick layer on the hob. Mix the dishwashing liquid with water and soak a rag in this soapy water. Put a rag on the surface, and after 15 minutes, wipe it.

19. Glass baking molds

Crumble a small piece of foil and rub the form using a dishwashing liquid.

20. Adhesive Pistol

While the gun is still hot, use an aluminum foil ball to clean the spout and not burn your fingers.

21. Granite countertops

Use a spray of 1/8 alcohol, a drop of dishwashing liquid and 7/8 water. There you can add a little bit of essential oil for the smell.

22. Fat traces on clothes

Rub the soiled places with chalk.

23. Mold on the tile

Good for bleach. For best effect, apply it to twisted cotton wool or cloth and leave it for a few hours in the dirty areas.

24. Bottles and vases with a narrow neck

Fill the bottle with dry rice, water and dishwashing liquid. Close the neck and shake well.

25. Leather Bag

Prepare a soap solution from laundry soap. To do this, grate about 10 grams of soap on a fine grater and add half a cup of warm water. Stir well. Wet a cotton swab in the resulting solution and wipe the bag, and then dry with a soft cloth.

26. Cabinet doors in the kitchen

Use paste from one part of vegetable oil and two parts of soda, or just toothpaste.

27. Lampshades

Use a sticky roller for clothing to remove dust from it.

28. Leather sofas

Lubricate shabby creams for shoes.

29. Lipstick stains

Sprinkle with hairspray, leave for 10 minutes, then rub it with a damp soft washcloth and wash as usual.

30. Brushes for make-up

Wash them with baby shampoo, dry in an upturned form, hanging the pile down.

31. Mattresses

Sprinkle with soda (if desired, you can add a little essential oil for the smell), after half an hour, vacuum.

32. Microwave oven

Put a bowl of water and vinegar in the microwave for 5 minutes. Thanks to a couple remove all the dirt will be very easy.

33. Mirrors and glass

Use 1/4 cup of vinegar, 1 tablespoon of cornstarch, 2 cups of warm water to make a spray. Spray this mixture and wipe with a newspaper.

34. Headphones

Wipe the headphones with a cloth moistened with alcohol.

35. Red wine

For an already dried stain, use a shaving cream, and then wash in the usual way.

36. Shower head

Pour the vinegar into a small plastic bag, immerse the shower in it, fix it with an elastic band, leave it for an hour.

37. Sneakers

Toothpaste and a brush will return to them the former whiteness.

38. Surfaces of stainless steel

Mix 1/3 of water, 2/3 of vinegar and a few drops of dishwashing liquid. Use this spray and a microfibre cloth.

39. Paint brushes

Soak them in the vinegar for 30 minutes.

40. Traces on linoleum

Just wipe them with an eraser.