46 things from which it's time to get rid of

Just try to remember how long they appeared in your house, and when was the last time you used them. Well, are there any arguments for leaving them, or is it finally time to get rid of something?

1. Miniature sauces and condiments

Usually in cafes and restaurants they bring much more than a client can eat at a time. You have to take the leftovers with you and put them in the back box in the kitchen - for a rainy day. But if you now carry out an audit in this warehouse, it turns out that most of the seasonings and sauces have expired.

2. Blunted knives

In every kitchen there are devices that do not cut and can not be undermined. Stop torturing, just throw them away.

3. Scrunchy for hair

Your hair deserves more.

4. Children's clothes

It's a pity to part with them. But they lie idle and serve only to collect dust. Choose a couple of things that are dear to the heart. The rest sell, donate to charity or throw out - judge by their condition.

5. Old directories

It is unlikely that the obsolete information contained in them will help you. If it's a pity to throw it away, try to find a store or an organization that will accept them and find a useful application.

6. Old books

Do with them the same as with children's things: leave a couple of your favorite, give the rest to those who need them.

7. Old medicines

They can lie in the medicine cabinet for years, decades. Their expiration date has probably already come to an end. Feel free to throw out overdue drugs, they are no longer useful.

8. Old spices

They are no longer spices, but so is colored dust.

9. Handicraft accessories

You bought materials, hoping that one day you will start using them. If over the past ten years you have never gotten them and have not found the time for a new hobby, then it's better to sell or give away the needlework accessories to someone who can and will use them.

10. Old sheets

They have been washed so many times that it is strange how holes have not yet appeared on them. Or have they already appeared? In this case, get rid of them immediately!

11. Old CDs

Spend a day and write down the most important things on your hard drive. And the boxes do not take up space.

12. Used Packages

No, all 198,754 pieces you will never need. At least half give for recycling.

13. Old T-shirts

Especially merch. It is unlikely that you will ever wear a T-shirt with the advertisement of a particular product or event. Therefore safely leave them. Well, or remake into something more relevant and modern.

14. Old towels

See the paragraph about old sheets - here is the same story.

15. VHS cassettes

Digitize the information from them, and throw out the cassettes. Seriously, you do not even have anything to look at.

16. Box with spare buttons

Believe me, by the time you need them, the thing is already worn out.

17. Ships without lids

Why do you need them without covers? OK, leave one, and the remaining 17 pieces why?

18. Samplers of creams and other cosmetics

You constantly leave them "until better times," and then they just end the expiry date.

19. Old makeup

Because we always need more cosmetics, something is becoming obsolete. All expired tubes, jars and pallets are sent to the trash. This cosmetics can only do much harm.

20. Wire hangers

Just remember how many puffs they left on your favorite outfits.

21. Plastic hangers

On their conscience, too, a lot of puffs. And most of them are broken. Do not torment them anymore, just let the old hangers calmly retire.

22. Washcloths

If they are more than three weeks old - throw them away. They are not designed for longer use.

23. The discharged batteries

Do not collect them at home, better give them to recycling.

24. The broken dishes

It would seem that such is one small split. But during each washing, water gets into it, and the conditions favorable for reproduction of dangerous bacteria are created on the damage.

25. Old sauces from the refrigerator

Many of them are also overdue and not suitable for consumption.

26. Costume jewelery

Not all, of course. Only the one that looks wretched, tasteless and generally incomprehensible as it turned out to be in your box.

27. Greeting Cards

Most of them are scrap paper. They just lie in a box (or even know where) and supposedly have value. In fact, you just forgot about them and reread the second time in your life before you send them to the garbage.

28. Food leftovers in the freezer

Because of them you simply can not cook anything.

29. Old nail polishes

Some of them withered "to death", some - went out of fashion, some almost ended.

30. Stationery

ALL the contents of the box do not need you ever. Donate a part to an orphanage, for example. Can not even imagine how happy you are with your stationery children.

31. Unsuitable things

In something you will lose weight and climb, for something you have to get better, but something you just need to give, without tears and regrets.

32. Piles of old magazines

You will not have enough life to re-read all this. You will not take them for ever again.

33. Thousand old handles

Collect the collection and under the TV show, check whether all the pens are writing. Dry and finished are unlikely to benefit you.

34. Remains of paint

You store them in case you need to tint something. But if in 10 years this case has not yet come, discard the paint. Next time, pick up a brush just to update the interior design completely.

35. Inconvenient shoes

They can be donated, sold, donated - any option will be better than the torment of socks.

36. Old bras

They are worn, worn and stretched, and therefore, completely unable to perform the duties assigned to them.

37. Utensils for baking

If you are not a baker, then all this collection will not be used. Therefore, give part of the dishes to the person who needs it.

38. Candles

You must have enough of them to cover the city during a massive power outage. But why should you save the city alone? Give out a piece of candles to friends, relatives and acquaintances, and when apocalypse comes, work in a team;)

39. Piggy bank with small change

It is not necessary to throw out the contents, but to change it for bigger bills - the idea is just right.

40. Extra mugs

Leave a dozen for a tea party with the company, share the rest.

41. Instability

Only if it takes too much time. It is not necessary to completely reject social networks.

42. A collection of sketchbooks

Leave yourself alone, give away the rest. If you ever need one more (which is unlikely), buy yourself a new, more modern and convenient.

43. The mattress

Only one that worn and sold. There are no new comfort claims.

44. Old mobile phones

One, maybe, and it will be necessary in case the operating phone will need to be returned for repair. But not all the fact that you had during life.

45. Friends who fret

Do not waste your precious time on them. Keep communication to a minimum and do not try to find a common language anymore.

46. ​​Miniature bath accessories

Browse through the collection, select those instances that are not overdue or dried, and share them. It's better than throwing out a bunch of old tubes.