Dufalac during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the body of a woman changes the work of all organs and systems. The work of the gastrointestinal tract undergoes great changes throughout the entire pregnancy. So, she is the first to react to the hormonal changes in the form of early toxicosis, manifested by nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. In the late term, conversely, there is a tendency to constipation, as the intestine is displaced by a growing uterus and interferes with its normal functioning. Consider the advisability of using a laxative for pregnant women - Dufalac, as well as possible contraindications to it and side effects.

Can Dufalac be used during pregnancy?

Problems with the work of the intestine during pregnancy are best regulated by proper nutrition and intake of a sufficient amount of fluid. So, to adjust the chair can receive a sufficient number of products containing coarse fiber (whole grain bread, sweet peppers, apples, cereals). Sufficient physical activity also favorably affects the functioning of the intestine. Walking in the fresh air, gymnastics, yoga and swimming for pregnant women in the pool help in the fight against constipation. If the use of these recommendations does not help cope with constipation, then you can apply Dufalac. If you study the instruction for the use of this drug, you can be sure that it is not contraindicated during pregnancy.

Why should you take Dufalac during pregnancy?

Dufalac for pregnant women is not contraindicated at all times, so it does not have a negative effect on the fetus and the organism of the expectant mother. It is effective in controlling constipation, but, unlike many laxatives, it acts gently without causing pain in the abdomen and spasms. Dufalac's composition includes lactulose, which is considered a coarse fiber, and its use is quite safe. This laxative has osmotic properties, stimulating the flow of fluid into the intestine and dilution of stool. In addition, Dufalac during pregnancy in an adequate dosage moderately stimulates intestinal motility, thereby promoting fecal masses to the exit.

Another positive point in the application of Dufalac is that it does not adsorb vitamins and trace elements, but, on the contrary, it helps to absorb phosphorus and calcium. The detoxification effect of this laxative is also taken into account when it is prescribed during the period of gestation. After all, at this time, the maternal organism receives a double load, and it is necessary to take out the products of vital activity not only for oneself, but also for the future child. It should be noted that, in addition to the above-mentioned positive properties, the use of Dufalac for constipation is a good prevention of hemorrhoids in pregnant women .

How to take Dufalac during pregnancy?

Dufalac during pregnancy should be taken, according to the instructions, from 15 to 45 mg, depending on the problem. Of course, the optimal dosage should be determined by a doctor who observes a woman during pregnancy.

Dufalac should be taken in the morning during a meal, if with this application a woman senses bloating, then you should try to drink it on an empty stomach.

Although this laxative is not addictive, it should not be used for more than 3 weeks. An overdose can cause abdominal pain and diarrhea. From side effects, bloating, nausea and vomiting are noted. Contraindicated Dufalac with intolerance of lactulose, galactosemia and intestinal obstruction.

Thus, the drug of choice laxative during pregnancy is Dufalac, which does not have a harmful effect on the body of the mother and fetus. But before deciding to take a laxative, you should try to adjust the work of the intestine with nutrition and physical activity.