Arterial hypotension - what is it?

You can not know that such a condition is called arterial hypotension, but it is simply impossible not to feel it. What is this condition - arterial hypotension - everyone knows who has ever had a sharp drop in pressure. Such a diagnosis is made when, due to a decrease in pressure, a person does not just feel some kind of discomfort, but actually falls out of life for a while.

What is arterial hypotension, and when is it diagnosed?

For each person, the critical level of pressure at which arterial hypotension is diagnosed is unique. Although there are certain so-called control values ​​of the upper pressure: below one hundred for men, and below ninety for women. The lower pressure is also lowered and set at around sixty units.

During an attack, the amount of oxygen entering the brain decreases sharply. Therefore, with arterial hypotension, physicians are required to intervene.

Today it is common to distinguish two main types of the disease:

  1. Primary, which is also called chronic. Chronic arterial hypotension can be inherited. In addition, it can occur as a consequence of impaired vascular tone.
  2. The second species is acute. Acute arterial hypotension is, in most cases, the manifestation of some more complex disease, stress. It can occur with poisoning, it is often diagnosed in people who abuse nicotine and alcohol.

Many athletes suffer from hypotension: after a hard workout, a resting state sets in and the pressure drops.

Arterial hypotension - symptoms and ways of treatment

Any "tricks" of pressure a person feels on himself, and therefore a sharp decrease is felt very clearly. There are several basic signs of hypotension, and they look like this:

  1. Suspicions for arterial hypotension should occur if, with a sharp change in position (from horizontal to vertical or vice versa), you darken in the eyes. This state usually lasts a short time - a couple of minutes, but sometimes it can even provoke a faint.
  2. Rapid fatigue and a tendency to fainting , frequent headaches can talk about arterial hypotension, what it is and how to deal with suspicious symptoms, the expert should tell.
  3. If you wake up with a feeling of fatigue even after a night's sleep, then it's time to visit the doctor,
  4. Meteozavisimost , intolerance of stuffiness and sudden changes in the weather can also signal an arterial hypotension.

With arterial hypotension, even a preventive treatment should appoint a specialist. At his own request and purpose, a person who knows about his problems with pressure can only reconsider his way of life and nutrition, sleep for at least seven hours a day and give up bad habits.

Depending on the form of manifestation, severe arterial hypotension can be treated and medicated. A course prescribed by a doctor can treat directly hypotension or a more serious disease that provoked its occurrence.

To treat arterial hypotension use special tonic drugs. Very effective medicines based on lemongrass, eleutherococcus and ginseng. Helps and correctly selected complex exercises exercise therapy.

Now you know what arterial hypotension is, what this disease can be and what consequences it has for the body. Therefore, a sudden drop in pressure will not take you by surprise.