First month of pregnancy

The very first month of pregnancy, i.e. 4 weeks from the moment of conception, is characterized by rapid, progressive changes in the body of a woman. At the same time, the embryo is actively developing, growing, gradually increasing in size. Let's consider this period of gestation in detail and find out: what happens to the fetus in the first month of pregnancy, how does the expectant mother feel during this period.

How does the fetus develop?

During the first week, more precisely 3 days after fertilization, the egg gradually progresses to the uterine cavity. At the same time, it undergoes fission processes, and a large accumulation of cells is formed from the zygote, resembling a ball in shape. Approximately 3 more days after the egg was in the uterus, it goes to find the place of attachment. As a result, it turns out that such an important process as implantation occurs on the 7th day after the meeting of male and female sex cells (a maximum of 10). It is with implantation that the very process of pregnancy begins.

Already in the second week, the chorionic gonadotropin begins to be produced by the embryo, a hormonal substance that gives a signal to the female body about reorganization, in connection with the onset of gestation.

By now, the supply of nutrients that the egg contained was depleted, so it gets the embryo from the mother's body. This is done through the outer groups of cells, naps.

At the same time, the formation of such an important anatomical formation as the placenta begins.

At 3 weeks the future baby is already actively receiving nutrients through the mother's blood. At this stage, the differentiation of cells into so-called embryonic leaflets that give rise to the tissues, organs and systems of a small organism is clearly visible.

There is a bookmark of the chord - predecessor of the spinal column, blood vessels appear. By the end of the week, the heart begins to beat, now it is a small tube, producing contractile movements, which in the process of development is transformed into a 4-chamber heart.

The last week of the first month of pregnancy is characterized by the appearance in the future baby of the eye cavities, the rudiments of future pens and legs. Externally, the embryo has the appearance of an auricle, which is surrounded by a small accumulation of fluid. It is nothing but amniotic fluid. At this time, the process of laying the internal organs begins: the liver, intestines, kidneys, urinary system. At the same time, the size of the embryo itself is very small. On average, by this time it does not exceed 4 mm.

How does the future mother feel?

The abdomen is absent in the first month of pregnancy, and it looks like usual, because the surrounding, sometimes the mother herself, have no idea about their situation. As a rule, she recognizes it by the time of delay, which is observed after about 2-2,5 weeks from the moment of conception.

Breast in the first month of pregnancy, on the contrary, begins to increase in volume, coarsening, it becomes painful. All this is connected with the hormonal reorganization of the mother organism that began in the body.

Allocations in the first month of pregnancy are normally transparent, ungrowth. In those cases when there is blood, which is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, it is necessary to consult a doctor. It is worth noting that some women can mark at the beginning of 1 month uninvited blood allocation, which disappear after a day. This is nothing but the result of implantation.

The blood of the expectant mother in the first month of pregnancy is also undergoing changes. The concentration of the hormone hCG increases rapidly, so by the end of the month the test shows 2 bright, clearly defined bands.

Over time, the woman increasingly begins to feel the oncoming pregnancy: nausea, irritability, pain in the chest, increased urination, - this is just the little one that every future mother faces.