Medications for depression and stress

It is difficult to concentrate, any occupation is disgusting, you feel fear, often doubt - stress and depression go hand in hand, but from these psychic phenomena, fortunately, a medicine is found. According to the World Health Organization in megacities, every fourth woman suffers from depression. It is worth noting that the depressive state can cause long-term stress factors.

Psychological remedies for depression and stress

The main cure for data of mental disorders and reactions, there is a certain attitude of the person herself to the events taking place in her life. When fate gives you a series of unpleasant surprises, listen to the recommendations of psychologists:

Drugs from stress and depression

  1. "Neurolecithin" contains phosphatidylserine, which is an additional food for the brain.
  2. "Amiton-stress block" is a drug based on medicinal herbs and antidepressant tyrosine.
  3. "Stress Management B Complex" - vitamins, recommended for use in stress and depression. The composition includes: a complex of vitamin B, folic acid, vitamin C. This bioadditive replaces sleeping pills and soothing drugs.

Remember that all B vitamins with nicotinic acid help to get rid of depressive conditions.

Delicious treatment of stress and depression

Do you feel the approach of depression? Stock up with the following: