Pulmonary embolism

A dangerous disease of thromboembolism. Very often it causes immediate death. Thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery is a blockage of the artery responsible for the supply of the lung, a thrombus. The latter can be a bunch of various substances (fat, bone marrow, a piece of a tumor) or an ordinary air bubble that moves along the bloodstream.

Causes and symptoms of pulmonary embolism

Most often, thrombi form in the legs. Emboli are formed when blood flows through the vessels very slowly, or does not move at all. This happens when a person has an inactive, sedentary lifestyle. Thrombi gradually increase in size, and when a person suddenly changes position, they can come off. If the embolus is small, then it will not be a particular problem, a maximum - it will make the blood flow less difficult, and eventually dissolve independently. If the thrombus is large, it can completely clog the artery, and it will take a lot of time to dissolve it.

The main causes of thromboembolism of small branches of the pulmonary artery are the following:

Causes of thromboembolism can be and some diseases of the cardiovascular system. Such, for example, as:

Symptoms of pulmonary embolism may vary depending on:

At certain stages of development, the disease can be completely asymptomatic. And in some cases, thromboembolism develops so quickly that the patient dies within a few minutes.

The most common symptoms of thromboembolism are:

  1. The patient appears dyspnea, begin to torment the pain in the chest. Sometimes there is a cough.
  2. Elderly patients may lose consciousness and experience seizures.
  3. Common phenomena with pulmonary embolism are unpleasant sensations in the sternum. Pain can be accompanied by tachycardia.
  4. Disease often causes a restless panic condition.

Treatment of thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery

If it was possible to detect the disease at an early stage, then the treatment will certainly be more loyal. First of all, the patient is assigned oxygen. Sometimes it is impossible to cope with the disease without analgesics. Be sure to prescribe drugs that dilute blood. This will help to stop the increase in the size of an existing thrombus and prevent the formation of new emboli.

Patients who are threatened by death from pulmonary embolism require urgent care. Depending on the patient's condition, he may be prescribed thrombolytic therapy, which consists in taking strong drugs that quickly and effectively dilute the blood. In the most severe case, surgical intervention is required.

Forecasts for pulmonary embolism are often favorable. Lethal outcome is possible only with pronounced violations in the work of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems and too much thrombus.

With proper treatment, you can easily get rid of the disease and avoid relapse. To prevent the re-development of thromboembolism, it is recommended to take anticoagulant medications that reduce blood clotting.