Games - rules of the road

From the very young age it is necessary to teach children the rules of the road, so that the children act correctly when they cross the road on their own. Most of the mistakes on the road are due to habits from childhood. Learning the rules of behavior on the road at an early age is the foundation, the foundation for life. But they are described in a complex language for children's perception and the main task is an accessible and interesting explanation. Therefore, for easy memorization and learning process, for the smallest pedestrians there are cognitive didactic games on SDA.

In order to play with children in this game, it is not necessary to buy expensive dummies in stores, because you can decorate yourself with any didactic game of traffic rules. To do this, you need to stock up on colored paper, stationery, paper, paper, paints, PVA glue and scissors. With the help of these objects, any road sign, traffic light , car can be glued and painted by each educator or parent.

In such games, children will be able to feel themselves as real strict traffic policemen, drivers, and those figures that meet on the road and help organize security on it.

Card index of didactic games on SDA

Didactic game "Traffic Light"

Purpose: to study and understand traffic light signals and its purpose.

Material: traffic light, circles of red, yellow and green for each child participating in the game.

Rules of the game

All children need to give out circles of red, yellow, green. Close the circles at the traffic light and open them consecutively, explaining their significance to the children, then close them again, and when opening the children should now explain what the colors mean at the traffic lights. Then you can call the notation and ask the kids to raise a circle of this color, which corresponds to explaining the leader. The one who gave more correct answers and showed the correct circles won.

Game "Clock"

Purpose: To learn to distinguish road signs; to strengthen knowledge of children about warning and prohibitory signs; to develop attention, skills of conscious use of knowledge of traffic rules in everyday life.


Rules of the game

The leader turns the clock and points to a particular sign. Children call and explain the significance of road signs. A card with a traffic sign is shown for fastening and its meaning is explained.

Game "Transport"

Purpose of the game:


Rules of the game

At the beginning of the game all participants put their chips on the "start of the game" circle, then determine the order of moves by throwing a die. The player who has more points on the upper side of the cube, goes first. Having received the right move, the player rolls the die, then moves the chip to the number of circles, equal to the number of points on the upper side of the cube. When a player enters a circle with a picture, he must follow the direction of the arrow (green arrow forward, red arrow back), and the move is passed on to the next player.

The game "Safe City"

Purpose of the game:


Rules of the game

Before you start, you need to choose a presenter. They can become an adult. The presenter arranges traffic signs along the "city", determines the bus stops, he also controls the traffic lights. The rest of the players take to themselves figures of little men and distribute vehicles among themselves. Let someone be a bus driver, someone is a salesman in a supermarket, someone is a builder of a park, someone is a pupil in school. Your roles are limited only by your imagination. Further, throwing a cube in turn, we move around the city. Pedestrians on the sidewalks, cars along the roadway. "On foot" move the chip in any direction for as many steps forward as the number of points dropped on the cube. On the car - multiply the number of points by three, on the bike - by two. And, the driver of the car can take passengers with him, for example, bring friends (a cube in this case is thrown by the driver). And leaving the car, say, in the parking lot, the driver turns into a pedestrian. And you can wait for the bus at the bus stop and go by a big company.

Green circle (underground passage) allows you to quickly (one turn) and safely move to the other side of the street. And if you are on an orange circle - this place requires you to pay special attention - you need to skip one turn.

So, have begun. From home - to school, from the store - to the park, from the park - to visit friends. On foot, by bike, by bus, observing all the rules of the road.

Each didactic game according to the rules of the road reflects the individual situation and a separate part of the traffic rules. With their help, children are easier to learn and remember the necessary information, and visually see road signs, markings and other relevant attributes. These games help children to meet for the first time with the "road", but in safe conditions, where at the first stages in making a mistake the kids will not suffer, and after necessary explanations and repetitions will not do it already in real conditions.