The Goddess Freya

In Scandinavian mythology, the goddess Freya was the patroness of fertility, love and beauty. There were no equal to her neither among the gods, nor among mortal women. She was well versed in magic and was able to fly, thanks to the magic falcon plumage. According to existing legends, when Freya flew over the ground, she scattered dew and sunlight. The tears of this goddess, falling on the ground or into the water, turned into amber. Freya could also move in a chariot drawn by affectionate cats. Her faithful companions were the spirits of love. Her main value is the amber necklace she received for four nights of love with dwarfs, symbolizing the four natural elements.

What is known about the goddess of love Freyja?

The Scandinavians believed that the heart of the goddess was so great that she could give her care to all people. Despite the large number of positive features, Freya is also a formidable warrior. It is considered the main among the Valkyries, who carry the souls of the deceased warriors to Valhalla. The symbols of this goddess are a hare and a cat. The appeal to Freyja is best carried out on Friday, as it was the day the ancient Germans dedicated to her. It is this time that is considered ideal for love affairs. According to existing legends, Freyja had the strength to control the weather and clouds. They considered her to be the patroness of water and water creatures.

Gifts Freyja need to bring a special altar. He should not be indoors. Best if it's a stone or a stump. Cover the chosen place with a veil of yellow or green. The image of the goddess should be placed in the center of the altar. Also install candles of green, yellow, gold or brown. As an ornament it is better to use flowers - daisies or primrose. You can also put statuettes of cats or amber stones. Freya's runes: Fehu, Perto, Ingus, Hagalaz, Berkana, Laguz. As a gift to this goddess you can bring honey, sweets, fruits, flowers, ornaments , etc. Freya especially likes beautiful things made by her own hands.

On the altar, you can conduct various rituals that are associated with the goddess. Consider one of them. A simple rite will help bring love to life. You need to put a red candle on the altar. Light the sandalwood incense. If possible put on the altar amber jewelry. For the ritual, you need to take a red string and draw a circle in front of the altar. Stand in its center and say these words:

"Freya, the great goddess,

Queen of the Valkyries,

I call you at this hour,

Hearken to me, your priestess,

Attend to me, your daughter.

The most beautiful! I call you,

Come to my magic circle,

Ozari with his light.

May it be so".

Stand on your knees and tie three knots on the rope, saying:

"Freya, the great mistress,

Goddess of love and beauty,

I ask you, listen to me,

Bring a passion into my life. "

Rope leave on the altar for three days, and then put in a secret place. Be sure to thank Freyja, with these words:

"Beautiful goddess,

I know that you are always with me,

Always standing behind my shoulder,

You always protect me.

Thank you for your help,

Thank you for participating in the ritual.

I say goodbye to you, great!

A joyful meeting,

But the parting is joyful.

Hello and goodbye".

Leaving, leave on the altar glass of wine, which the next morning you need to pour on the ground.