Light brown discharge during pregnancy

Discharge during pregnancy is quite common, causing panic in a woman in a position. As you know, pregnancy is, in a way, a stress for the body. That is why, the presence of secretions often indicate the development of any pathology. Thus, it is very important to know what they can testify about. In this case, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to their color and volume.

Why does brown discharge appear during pregnancy?

Most often, pregnancy is accompanied by light brown discharge. At the same time, their nature is very diverse: it can be just one drop of brown secretions with a seemingly normal pregnancy, or permanent, spotting discharges, observed for a long time. Their appearance may indicate the development of pathology or any complication. However, they can be considered a norm. So, during pregnancy, women complain of the appearance of brown, transparent discharge, which are observed when the egg is attached to the wall of the uterus.

Pathology, which explains why pregnant women have brown discharge, is also an ectopic pregnancy. Today, this is a fairly common phenomenon that occurs in 15% of pregnancies.

This pathology develops at about 6-8 weeks, leading to rupture of the uterine tube wall. The disease is characterized by a sharp pain in the abdomen and is accompanied by the allocation of a small amount of brown, mucus bleeding, which during pregnancy should alert the girl. In this situation, a woman needs urgent surgical intervention, because a gradually growing fetus, can simply rip the uterine tube, which will lead to bleeding.

Light-brown discharge, observed in pregnant women mainly in the 2 nd half of pregnancy, may indicate the development of such a condition as premature detachment of the placenta (child's place). For the fetus, this results in a lack of oxygen and nutrients, while the woman, in turn, has a discharge, which after a short time passes into a bleeding. The only way out of the situation is urgent hospitalization.

What can yellow discharge during pregnancy?

The presence of yellowish-brown discharge during normal pregnancy indicates the presence in the female body of the venereal disease. The causative agents of this kind of diseases are staphylococcus, Proteus and E. coli. Such inflammatory processes are not acute; in most cases, a woman falls ill before the onset of pregnancy. The result of the infectious process, as a rule, is spontaneous abortion.

The main causes of the appearance of bloody discharge

This kind of discharge, during the bearing of the child, is not the norm. However, despite this, they occur quite often, in about 15-25% of cases. In this case, the women themselves say that they are similar in volume and color to the usual menstrual flow. Then the woman, not knowing yet that she is pregnant, thinks that the data of excretion is the beginning of menstruation. The only thing that can embarrass, - these allocation is slightly brown, which often occurs during pregnancy.

Why do pink discharge appear during pregnancy?

Often pregnant woman notes the presence of pink discharge. The main cause of their appearance is the trauma of the mucous membrane of the vagina, for example after a gynecological examination. In this case, the red color is given to the red blood cells present in them. As a rule, they are short and disappear literally 1-2 days after the appearance.