Weight loss with ginger

There are a huge number of ways that you can get rid of extra pounds. But most women are looking for the least expensive, but effective way. In the modern world is very popular - slimming with ginger. Why ginger, because it's just a storehouse of useful substances and vitamins, and its positive effect on the body is recognized even by nutritionists and doctors.

Positive properties

  1. Good pain relievers, helps to relieve inflammation and heal wounds.
  2. An excellent tool for improving metabolic processes, and also helps to remove from the body slag, toxins and cholesterol.
  3. Helps stomach digest food, acts as a mild laxative .

You need to know that the method of losing weight with ginger has some contraindications:

If you exceed the allowable dose, you may experience diarrhea, nausea and even vomiting. Consider several tips for using ginger for fast weight loss:

  1. Try from time to time to repeat the course of drinking ginger tea.
  2. You can put a small piece of ginger root in regular tea.
  3. Ginger with honey for weight loss is a wonderful tonic that increases your immunity.
  4. Drink 2 liters of tea a day, but not before going to sleep, as it will be very hard for you to fall asleep.
  5. For 2 liters of boiling water, you need only 4 cm of ginger root, which must be cut as thin as possible. Drink, after brewing it is necessary to strain, so that the taste is not tart. Drink a warm drink, but only in small portions.
  6. Add your favorite herbs and seasonings to ginger for quick slimming to achieve a wonderful taste.

Let's look at several options for making ginger tea.

First option

For him we need: 2 liters of water, 4 cm of ginger root, 2 cloves of garlic. Finely chop ginger, garlic and put them in a thermos, pour boiling water. To insist such tea is necessary within 3 hours, after the passage of time we filter. You need to drink it in small portions.

The second option

For this option, you need the following ingredients: root - 2 cm, mint - 1 tbsp. spoon, pinch of cardamom, juice of 1 lemon and orange, a little honey and 1 liter of boiling water. In the combination of lemon , ginger and water - an excellent tool for losing weight. Using a blender, grind ginger, mint and cardamom. We put it in a thermos and pour it with boiling water for half an hour. After filtering, leave to cool, and add the juice of citrus. To sweeten the drink, add honey. This chilled drink perfectly quenches thirst in the summer heat.

The third option

Now let's prepare a salad, which also helps to get rid of extra pounds. We need the following ingredients, consider them as a percentage, so you can cook any amount of salad:

The cooking process is as follows: the beetroot must be baked in the oven, and then grind all the ingredients, mix them in a bowl and season with vegetable oil. This salad is a wonderful medicine. It positively affects the pancreas, intestines, stomach, heart, liver, lungs and kidneys. This salad is an excellent tonic for all organs. Now you need to test these healing properties on your body.