How to lose weight by running?

Running as a way to lose weight is very affordable and very popular in different countries of the West, including the USA. His advantages are obvious: he does not require any investment, except, perhaps, buying sneakers and a sports suit and brings great benefits to the whole body, helping to lose weight even in such a problem zone as the stomach.

Can I lose weight from running?

Running is an aerobic load, which as quickly as possible starts the process of splitting fatty deposits. In order to achieve maximum effect, you can use the following useful tips:

  1. You need to run at least 30-40 minutes for one workout. It is possible to interrupt only on walking in case of fatigue. The fact is that the process of lipolysis (splitting of fat cells) starts only after 20 minutes of active training and every minute after these first twenty, brings you closer to the cherished goal - losing weight. Otherwise, you just spend calories from food.
  2. To maximize the splitting of fats, you must do it in the morning on an empty stomach, preferably after a simple workout of the joints.
  3. Using running to lose weight, do not forget about the main thing - regularity. Runs less than 2-3 times a week will give too little effect. Choose your specific days and accustom yourself to do strictly according to the schedule, not missing a single occupation (except when you have ARVI, etc.).
  4. In order to increase the fat burning effect, it is worth to drink a cup of black fresh coffee 15 minutes before jogging. Of course, without sugar, cream and sweets. The fact that caffeine , which is contained in coffee - a natural fat burner. But if you add the sweet, you will reduce the effect to a minimum, because the body will use the newly obtained calories instead of splitting the fat.
  5. Dress in accordance with the weather in a light, breathable clothing that will not constrain movements and most importantly - use sneakers designed specifically for running. The fact is that in urban conditions you have to run on the asphalt, and this is a serious blow to the joints.

For running is optimal natural soil or soft coating, which is on some stadiums. If you are running along the asphalt, use quality sneakers.

Thinking about how to lose weight, while running, always consider your natural inclinations. If you've heard that this helps, but you like more aerobics - do not go against yourself. In the end, any regular aerobic exercise leads to weight loss, and it is worth choosing what you like.

How to lose weight by running?

Be realistic and do not wait for the effect after the first week. Running is a slow but sure way to lose weight, which means that you will notice the first effects not earlier than in 3-6 weeks of regular classes. It is also pleasant that the effect will be increasing and more obvious with time.

However, even the most exhausting and long runs can be powerless if you make many mistakes in nutrition. If you decide to lose weight - it is worth to do it closely and adjust not only the way of life, but also nutrition. First of all, pay attention to the following:

  1. Give up the sweet. If you do not have a life without it, then let it be breakfast, so that extra calories can be consumed per day. It's very limited to eat sweet even in the morning. And certainly not every day.
  2. Choose healthy cooking methods. Forget the fryer and the frying pan. Bake, cook, simmer, cook on the grill or steam. Say "no" to excess fat in your diet!
  3. . Sick place for many. Dumplings, pasta, bread, pastries - all this causes the appearance of excess fat on the abdomen and other problem areas. Reduce their use as much as possible.

With proper nutrition and running you will lose weight very quickly and effectively. And most importantly - without hunger strikes and health problems!