Laxative for weight loss

Taking laxatives for weight loss is a well-known myth that people who are obese are "fed" themselves. Since the beginning of the second millennium, the trend of sales of laxatives has increased dramatically and their popularity is not going to decline. It would seem that, as conveniently, after a solemn feast, where I had to eat all manner of delicacies and forbidden harmfulness, I ate a pills and the next day the weight was normal. Than it is fraught and whether there is a sense to accept a laxative for growing thin, read more low.

Operating principle

Losing weight with the help of laxatives is due to the removal of stool from the intestine (there they are, about 3kg daily). That is - ate-cleared-ate-purified. The effect is one-day, unless, of course, you are going to take them daily.

Laxatives by the principle of influence on the body are divided into several groups:

  1. Natural laxative - cellulose + kefir. The only good and safe laxative for losing weight. Fiber in the form of cereal bran swells in the intestine and by its weight pushes the stool to the "outlet", and kefir normalizes the intestinal microflora. By resorting to this method, do not forget to drink plenty of water. Only with sufficient moisture, the fiber swells, and in the absence of liquid you will get the opposite effect - constipation.
  2. Receiving tea from the hay, as a laxative for weight loss. Such a procedure of "cleansing" can be carried out only once every six months. Tea and tablets from Senna or similar products - sorbitol, maltitol, etc., contributes to spasms of the intestine. Addictive.
  3. The most modern laxative for losing weight is called fortrans. In fact, these are common metal salts. Just one tablet and a day spent in the toilet, you are provided. The action of the tablets is based on the fact that these same salts are lighter than water, thereby they squeeze the stool together with the rest, namely, the intestinal flora. Cause: addictive, dehydration, indigestion, after use, a course of treatment with probiotics is necessary.
  4. Paraffin oil - some recommend to fill them with salads, since it is not absorbed by the intestines, but at the same time it stimulates the movement of stool. All that paraffin oil can do for you is diarrhea.



As they say in popular sources, laxatives protect against the absorption of fats and carbons. Do not be discouraged, but most carbohydrates are absorbed more quickly than you have time to say "laxative." As for fats, the place of their assimilation is the stomach, to whose work laxative tablets have nothing to do. But the violation of the function of absorbing the walls of the intestine vitamins laxative will provide you. All trace elements dissolved in it are eliminated together with water, beriberi is guaranteed.

Psychological dependence

The intake of so-called lightweight laxatives for weight loss causes dependence. That is, after consuming food you will find it very convenient to immediately get rid of it. From time to time you will accustom your brain to the fact that a laxative is an integral part of going to the toilet.

Physical dependence

The direct duty of the intestine is the excretion of stool. If he can not cope with his work, then it's time to see a doctor. Consuming laxatives, you accustom the intestines to constant help. The further, the "lazier" he will perform his work. As a result, you will achieve regular constipation with the slightest refusal of laxatives.

If you are still not sure, the answer to the question whether a laxative for weight loss helps should be - "yes, for one day", choose the only acceptable method - kefir and bran . "Clear" of the stool will help, and for one day (!) Will really lower your weight.