10 midwifery pregnancy week

10 Obstetric pregnancy week is considered a turning point in the development of pregnancy. Since the embryo development is coming to an end in this period, the process of the child's growth goes to a new level - the fetal period. This completes the laying of the main embryonic buds of tissues and organs. The embryo acquires features characteristic of a person, that is, turns into a full-fledged fruit.

The condition of the baby at the 10th week of pregnancy

For the baby, the 10th obstetric pregnancy week corresponds to the 8th week of intrauterine development . At this stage, the laying of all organs has already ended and their further development continues. The placenta is fully formed and well functioning. The heart contracted at a frequency of about 140 beats per minute. The immune and lymphatic systems are formed. Externally, the fetus already clearly defined legs, pens, joints, fingers and auricles. And during ultrasound you can see spontaneous, chaotic movements of the baby, wiggling the limbs.

The fetus on the 10th obstetric week has a mass of about 5 grams, and its length is approximately 40 mm. By this time the central nervous system is already active, including the brain. At boys at this stage of intrauterine development begins to be synthesized testosterone. The kidneys are already capable of producing urine.

The condition of the expectant mother at the 10th week of pregnancy

In 10 obstetric weeks a woman usually faces problems in the psycho-emotional state. This is due to the intensive growth of the child and the increased amount of hormones in the blood. The following changes are observed:

In addition to the above in the period of 10 obstetric weeks of pregnancy, there are feelings of nausea and other signs of toxicosis . But, despite this, there is still an increase in weight. And manifestations of toxicosis usually disappear after a few days. In connection with the growth of the uterus, there may be a feeling of heaviness in the pelvic area. Swelling of mammary glands is noted under the influence of the raised level of homon. Also often there is increased gas formation in the intestines and, as a result, bloating.

The abdomen on the 10th obstetric week is not yet noticeable, but the contour of the waist is gradually flattening. The uterus grows in size. Despite the fact that its size is comparable to the size of grapefruit, the uterus does not fit into the small pelvis and protrudes somewhat above the pubic articulation.

At the time of 9-10 midwifery weeks of pregnancy, it is especially important to monitor your health and well-being. When there is a pain syndrome or discharge with an admixture of blood, you should urgently seek medical help. It is necessary to ensure a full sleep and rest, try to spend more time in the fresh air. It is also important to avoid any stressful situation and emotional stress.

And, of course, do not forget about the right food, which should be diverse, full and balanced in composition. You should include more foods containing calcium in the diet. Since during this period the teeth are fixed in the fetus. If the pregnancy is normal, and there is no threat of breakdown, then the sex life can not be limited.

The obstetric period of 10 weeks of pregnancy is characterized by the presence of a small uterus, but it can already press the veins, violating the outflow of venous blood. Therefore, during this period it is necessary to monitor the emptying of the intestine, not to allow prolonged constipation.