Technology of fast reading

There are so many interesting, instructing books in the world! But, what to do, when the day is painted by the minute and it is difficult to single out a whole day for reading any literature? The technique of fast reading will come to the aid.

There is no limit to perfection, and besides, it's not for nothing that they say that those who read books will always manage those who "hang" in television broadcasts for hours. How not to twirl, but in this phrase there is a certain truth in life.

The method of rapid reading and memorization

First of all, it is important to note the benefits of fast reading technology. So, thanks to her, you can not only 2, but even 3 times to shorten the reading of your favorite book. Although the latter can be just some school literature for the summer, and this suggests that, having learned rapid reading, you can quickly cope with homework. In addition, this is a great workout for the brain.

There is a considerable amount of all kinds of trainings, teaching video tutorials on this topic. Moreover, various seminars are held, visiting of which is not at all free. If there is a desire, then at home you can increase your level of speed reading. The main reason for this - all methods, courses are based on several basic rules:

  1. Say no to regression . Has it happened that during the reading you unconsciously had to return to the previous sentence, the phrase? Such a return movement of the eyes harms the quality reading. Thus, it is scientifically proven that during a slow reading of the text, the regression cases were about 20 times. Figuratively speaking, at this rate one page can be read almost all day. Training fast reading provides a rejection of this bad habit. As a result of its absence, we get a 3-fold increase in the speed reading, and the quality of understanding of the read paragraph almost increases by a factor of 5.
  2. Recipation . This, let's say, the antonyms of regression. It happens that the reader has moved on to another chapter. But here he was struck by some thoughts, inspired by the information contained in the previous chapter. Here his return can be fully considered justified and even useful for assimilating the information received.
  3. Reading without articulation . Reading the text to himself, a person can make a weakly visible movement with his lips and tongue. This can only slow down the process of rapid training. The most interesting thing is that this phenomenon manifests itself best in the younger generation. The reason for this is a low level of reading skills. Excluding articulation, you can significantly increase the speed of reading.
  4. Absence of the program . When the reader does not think about how to effectively read this or that information, he reads it equally slowly. This suggests that in any case, before you take the book in hand, you should set certain tasks before you. For example, "For 20 minutes I will read this chapter." At the same time, there should not be a mechanical reading, as a result of which it will not be possible to recall 80% of the text. In order to improve both quick reading and increase the level of memorization, one should search for meaning in every word, phrase. To develop imaginative thinking, so that what is described in the text comes to life in front of the eyes.

Exercises for quick reading

The rules of fast reading imply not only theoretical material, but also practical. Great results can be achieved by working in tandem with someone who also wants to improve the speed reading skill.

So, one of the partners, having opened the book, looks for any word. Then the book is transferred to another and the word found earlier is called. The second partner should find the word in the text as soon as possible.

No less important exercise is the following. It would be nice to learn how to read words backwards. This is not a child's play, but training is the ability to concentrate.