Catherine - analogues

People who are constantly suffering from allergies know that even the most effective medications do not help with time. An exception is not and Zetrin - analogues of the drug have a greater bioavailability, and some of them are of low cost, do not cause addiction or resistance of immunity.

What can replace Tsetrin, if it does not help?

First, we consider the drugs that are closest to the described drug in terms of composition, concentration of active substances, and also the form of release. These include:

Above we list only the analogues of Cetrin in tablets, but similar preparations are also produced in drops, liquid solutions:

The concentration of the active substance in these drugs is 1% and most often they are applied to the eyes.

Among the generics of Cetrin, the following names deserve special attention:

It is important to note that the bioavailability of the above medicines, for the most part, exceeds this figure for Cetrin. This drug is assimilated by only 70-77%, whereas active substances of the given drugs penetrate into the blood in the amount of 85-97%, which increases their effectiveness, duration and speed of elimination of clinical manifestations of allergy .

Cheap analog Cetrine

One of the most inexpensive drugs that reduce the reaction of immunity to stimuli is Diazolin. He has another acting ingredient (mebhydroline), but it produces a similar effect to Cetrin - it blocks histamine receptors, weakens spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs and airways, reduces the functioning of lacrimal glands and the production of mucus with maxillary sinuses.

It should be noted that Diazolin has similar negative side effects and contraindications, it is not recommended for the treatment of pregnant women, mothers breastfeeding, small children. In addition, the biological assimilation of the drug is lower than that of Cetrin, is about 55-60%, so the treatment course for this analogue is supposed to be longer.