Honey during pregnancy

The most delicious natural product is honey. Its useful properties can not be said. Ever since childhood, each of us remembers that with a cold, a cough, first aid is honey. However, viral and infectious diseases are by no means the only problems that this natural delicacy can cope with.

By the way, have you ever wondered why the first month after the wedding is called honey? That's right, because during this period the newlyweds should eat a large amount of honey. Since in antiquity it was known that this sweet product of beekeeping has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system, both women and men. However, even knowing about the beneficial properties of this natural sweetness, many women, being in an interesting position, deny themselves the pleasure of eating even one spoonful of honey, fearing to harm the baby. How justified are such deprivations and whether it is possible to eat honey during pregnancy - let's find out.

Honey during pregnancy as a medicine

It would seem that honey in its composition is close to the blood plasma of a person, than then can it harm the future mother? Even doctors, given scientifically proven facts and many years of experience of generations, prescribe honey to pregnant women with various ailments. For example:

  1. Toxicosis is an unpleasant companion of the first months of pregnancy, it darkens the joy of forthcoming maternity, and sometimes becomes a serious threat to the further bearing of the child. In the treasury of folk recipes, there are several ways to help cope with this ailment. For example, to remove nausea can a spoon of honey, eaten on an empty stomach, or a glass of warm water, with honey dissolved in it and lemon juice.
  2. Another pressing problem for pregnant women is constipation and swelling, which begin to bother future mothers almost from the first days of pregnancy. And in this case honey will come to the aid of pregnant women. Namely, the natural enzymes that are contained in this product normalize the functioning of the digestive tract.
  3. Especially not without honey during pregnancy in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, when a woman's constant companion becomes heartburn. A spoonful of honey and a glass of warm water will help to cope with this problem and return a calm sleep to Mummy.
  4. Honey during pregnancy in the first trimester will protect a woman from viral and colds. After all, during this period, the woman's immunity is reduced, and many drugs are contraindicated. Therefore, to eat honey in small amounts is necessary for both prevention and treatment.
  5. In the rhythm of modern life, it is difficult to protect yourself from stress and nervous shocks. Of course, it is extremely undesirable to worry the future mother, but if it already happens, then relax and calmly sleep will help, again, honey, dissolved in water or milk.

So, summing up, we can say with confidence that honey during pregnancy can be eaten. Since it has a beneficial effect on many organs and systems of the organism of the future mother, and in particular:

Contraindications to the use of honey in pregnancy

Despite its rich composition and useful properties, honey, propolis and other bee products during pregnancy should be used with caution. 50-100 grams - an allowable daily portion of honey for a future mother. These limitations are connected with the fact that the product is a strong allergen, and can cause not only skin rashes, but also Quincke's edema. In addition, you can not abuse honey with women with low blood pressure, diabetes and obesity.