Turdent urine during pregnancy

Such a phenomenon as cloudy urine during pregnancy is due in most cases to the presence of salts in it. However, it is worth noting that factors such as bacteria, blood cells ( red blood cells and leukocytes ) can also influence the transparency of secretions. Let's take a closer look at this violation and try to understand why urine can be cloudy during pregnancy.

Because of what changes the transparency of urine in pregnant women?

Having listed above the main reasons, due to which urine during pregnancy becomes turbid, I would like to note that a slight change in its transparency can occur due to the following physiological characteristics.

So, with the onset of pregnancy in the body of a future mother, there is a significant decrease in the concentration of salts. This is due, first of all, to the fact that most of the so-called phosphate salts go to the formation of the musculoskeletal system of the future baby.

It is also necessary to say that cloudy urine in pregnant women can also be observed due to a change in acidity. At the same time, it is commonly believed that, normally, it should be within the range of 4.5-8 pH during bearing of the baby. An increase in this indicator above the upper limit of the norm indicates a disruption in the work, directly of the kidneys or the thyroid gland. Reducing the acidity of urine may be due to a condition such as a lack of potassium in the body of a pregnant woman. Also, a decrease in this indicator can be observed even in severe toxicosis, when dehydration of the body occurs. To determine the exact cause in such cases, a laboratory examination of the urine sample is necessary.

What to do if in the early stages of a normal pregnancy, urine cloudy?

The first thing that a woman should do in the situation, after discovering a change in the transparency of the excreted urine, is to consult a supervising doctor. In such cases, as a rule, physicians prescribe a general urinalysis, and also conduct a sample study for the absence of pathogenic microorganisms.

If, however, the appearance of a cloudy urine with a sediment appears during a pregnancy, then, most likely, this indicates the presence of blood cells in it, which actually form a precipitate. The cause for this disorder is various infectious and inflammatory processes, both the urinary and sexual systems. That is why a bacteriological study of the biomaterial sample is carried out to determine exactly what led to the clouding of urine. Only after this, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

How is this disorder treated?

It must be said that the change in the transparency of urine itself is only one of the symptoms of the disorder. Often after a diagnosis, doctors establish that the discoloration and transparency occurred due to non-compliance with certain conditions of the diet.

Quite often light, but cloudy urine during pregnancy can be due to excess salt in the diet. It's no secret that many women, especially at the beginning of pregnancy, "pull" on salted. It is this fact, coupled with high acidity, and leads to a change in the transparency of urine.

In such cases, doctors recommend adhering to the so-called salt-free diet. In the diet, it is necessary to introduce birch juice, which stimulates the kidneys perfectly.

In addition, you need to consume more fruits such as plum, apple, apricot, etc.

Thus, as can be seen from the article, there are many reasons for changing the transparency of urine. That is why the main task of physicians is to search for an answer to the question as to what muddy urine means in pregnancy in a particular case.