Up to what week drink Dyufaston?

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon today to miscarry the pregnancy in the early stages due to insufficient production of the hormone progesterone. This hormone is responsible for the normal course of pregnancy, as it relaxes the muscles of the uterus and creates favorable conditions for the development of the baby.

With insufficient amount of this hormone, there is a threat of miscarriage. And this happens most often in the first, rarely - in the second, trimester, during the period when the placenta is formed during pregnancy . After the placenta is formed, she proceeds to additional progesterone and everything "settles down".

But until this happens, if you are diagnosed with progesterone insufficiency, it is necessary to fill this deficiency with artificial, synthetic progesterone. Its source is Dufaston. It is he who is appointed to maintain a pregnancy that is at risk of interruption.

How much does Dufaston drink during pregnancy?

Then, up to what week you should drink Dyufaston in case of threat of miscarriage , should be determined by your attending physician. But if to speak about the standard practice, it is appointed before the onset of a minimum of 12 weeks, sometimes the duration of the course is extended to 16 weeks. And in rare cases - even before the 22nd week of pregnancy, when it is no longer about miscarriage, but about the threat of termination of pregnancy.

Dyufaston should be prescribed only by a doctor. He also determines the scheme and duration of Dufaston's reception. This directly depends on the characteristics of the condition of the pregnant woman and the reasons that led to the threat of miscarriage.

Regardless of how long you are scheduled to drink Dyufaston, cancellation and discontinuation should be smooth. Dosage is reduced day by day. In no case should you stop taking Dufaston dramatically, as this can lead to bloody discharge and miscarriage.