Diets for Diabetics

Everyone who has encountered such a disease knows that a diet for diabetics is the first and main condition of a normal existence. We will look at the basics of a diet that is suitable for all people suffering from diabetes, including the second type.

Diet for diabetics - treatment or maintenance?

If your disease is defined as "type 2 diabetes", a fairly strict diet for diabetics will be the main method of treatment. If all the prescriptions are observed, in some cases, you can even avoid taking medication.

The diet for insulin-dependent diabetics (with medium and severe forms) is a method of maintaining health and should be accompanied by the intake of special medications. In any case, a person with such a disease has no choice, and must necessarily follow a diet, so as not to harm his health even more.

Low-Carb Diets for Diabetics

To maintain health, diabetics need to limit the use of carbohydrates . For this purpose, the concept of "bread unit" was introduced, which is equal to 12-15 g of carbohydrates and increases the amount of sugar in the blood by a standard value of 2.8 mmol / l. To assimilate this amount of carbohydrates, the body needs exactly 2 units of insulin.

The daily norm of the consumed carbohydrates should correspond to the amount of insulin taken. Otherwise, patients develop hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia, which is equally bad for the body.

Diabetics are allowed to take 18 - 35 bread units per day, and three main meals should be 3-5 units each, and 1-2 - for snacks. It is not necessary to select all units with one meal, and then eat only proteins, as well as leave too much carbohydrate for the second half of the day.

The diet for diabetics for weight loss is built on the same principles, and the number of grain units in them should be minimized.

Diets for diabetics: you can and can not

In addition to harmonious nutrition 3-5 times a day, one should also adhere to the restrictions on individual products. So, for example, for the basis of the diet should take such products (in parentheses indicated the allowable amount):

From such products you can make a complete diet and not feel too much restriction. At the same time for diabetics

Ask your doctor about the possibility of consuming sugar or sugar substitutes.

You can create for yourself a diet from the list of allowed products. It is important that she approaches your life schedule, and not just a theory that you can not apply. Create for yourself such a system of nutrition, through which you will feel like an ordinary person who eats the way he likes.