Fizalis for the winter - cooking recipes

For those who are looking for recipes for the preparations from the Physalis for the winter, we will tell you how to marinate it, and also we will offer the option of making jam and compote from these fruits.

Marinated Physalis - a recipe for cooking for the winter


Calculation for one half-liter jar:


For marinating, the Peruvian fizalis are ideally suited, which must be cleaned of shells and thoroughly washed. Each specimen is punctured in two places with a toothpick in order to avoid a violation of its integrity during marinating. At the bottom of each half-liter jar we lay spices, peeled garlic and greens, after which we fill it with prepared physalis. In each vessel we pour salt and granulated sugar in the required amount, which is indicated in the ingredients, and pour all with boiling water. We cover the jars with sterile lids and give them twenty minutes to stand. After a while, the brine is drained, boiled, poured into a jar and left for another twenty minutes. Repeat the filling and infusion again, after which the last time we pour the physalis with boiling brine, adding vinegar to each vessel.

We seal the containers with sterilized lids, set them upside down and wrap them thoroughly for gradual cooling and natural self-sterilization.

How to cook jam from the physalis for the winter?



In addition to pickling, physalis can also be used to make jam. And the delicacy turns out unusually tasty, fragrant and appetizing. Especially pleasant taste of jam is obtained from the berry medium-sized physalis, but if there is none, then the vegetable will also fit. To implement the prescription, physalis is cleaned and carefully washed in warm water, washing away the wax coating. Now cut the fruit into slices, and from the sugar and water, cook the sugar in a saucepan, warming the mixture with continuous stirring until boiling and boiling it for ten minutes.

We lower the prepared physalis into the boiling syrup of caramel color, add the lemon acid, let the stock boil for a couple of minutes and leave it until it cools down completely.

Again, put the container with jam on the stove and let the contents boil over moderate heat. We weld the delicacy to the desired density and pack it on dry, pre-sterilized jars. We seal the containers with sterile caps and define them under a warm blanket for natural self-sterilization.

Compote from the Physalis for the winter



Compote is better to cook from berry physalis, which is more fragrant, sweeter and does not have a bitter taste. Peeled and washed fruits should be lowered for a minute in boiling water, and then shift them into cold water, which is added with granulated sugar. Warm the compote to a boil, boil until soft fruits and pour on sterile and dry jars. With insufficient acidity, you can supplement the compote with lemonade, adding a pinch at the end of the beverage's cooking.

It is not necessary to sterilize the jars. It is enough just to cork them in hot form with pre-cooked lids and allow to cool slowly under a warm "coat."