How to grow furatsilin?

Among the many antiseptics and antimicrobials, the well-known Furacilin still holds the leading position. This drug effectively fights with various Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria that have resistance to other similar drugs.

To properly use a remedy it is important to know how to grow furacilin for certain purposes. The therapeutic effect largely depends on the concentration of the solution.

How to grow Furacilin in tablets?

First you need to pay attention to the concentration of the active ingredient in one tablet. Furacilin considered dosage form is available in 2 versions - 10 mg and 20 mg of active ingredient. For the manufacture of the solution for external use it is more convenient to use tablets of 20 mg each. One such pill is diluted in 100 ml of water. If only a drug with a concentration of 10 mg is available, you will need 2 tablets for the same volume of fluid.

How to dilute furacilin in tablets:

  1. Boil water, cool it to a temperature of 60-80 degrees.
  2. Crush the Furacilin tablets. This can be done by placing them between two tablespoons (put on top of each other). It is also easy to pound the pills in a small mortar, or hit the tablets with a hammer, without removing them from the package.
  3. Pour the resulting powder into prepared water, mix it thoroughly until completely dissolved. The liquid should acquire a bright yellow color, but remain transparent.

The prepared solution is not yet ready for use, since it is too hot. It is necessary to wait until the drug has cooled to room temperature or the desired temperature.

It is worth noting that diluted Furatsilin can be stored in the refrigerator, it does not lose its properties. However, it is recommended to use it for 10 days, after that you should prepare a new solution.

How to grow Furacilin for gargling and rinsing the nose?

With angina, sinusitis and other inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx, the medicine in question helps to quickly remove symptoms of pathologies, stop the reproduction of bacteria.

The recommended dosage is 1 tablet of Furacilin (20 mg) per 100 ml of water. But it is desirable to rinse 4-5 times a day, so it is advisable to immediately make the necessary amount of solution for the whole day - 5 tablets per 0.5 liters of water.

The sequence of actions is similar to the technology described in the previous section.

It is important to remember that rinsing and nasal rinsing should be performed with a warm solution, so before starting the procedure, you need to make sure that the medicine has a temperature of about 40 degrees.

How to grow furacilin for eye treatment?

The described agent is prescribed for conjunctivitis, blepharitis and other purulent inflammation of the eyes.

The rinse solution is prepared in the same way as in the case of rinsing the throat , treating the nasal cavities (20 mg of furacilin per 100 ml of water). However, in this situation, additional preparation of the medicine is required:

  1. Carefully strain the product through several layers of bandage to filter out the smallest particles of tablets or powder.
  2. Warm up or allow to cool the solution to a temperature of about 37 degrees, but not higher.

How to dilute furacilin for wound washing?

The situations considered assume absolute sterility, therefore it is important to observe several rules during the manufacture of the medicinal product:

  1. After dissolving the tablets, the resulting liquid must be boiled again for 25-30 minutes.
  2. Do not pour the medicine into another container. If not otherwise, you should first sterilize it.
  3. Store the solution tightly closed.

In other respects, the technology of preparation of a medicine does not differ from the method described above.