TV screen resolution

Have you ever had to choose a TV in an electronics store? You probably saw TV commercials more than once. Have you noticed how when describing monitors, sellers or promoters often use the term "TV screen resolution"? We will try to explain the essence of this concept to you with available words.

What does the resolution of the TV screen mean?

This is such a characteristic of image quality. Present a picture from the screen. From a distance it seems to be a single whole, but in fact it consists of millions of small fragments-luminous points. From how many of these points will glow, depends on how complete the whole picture will look like. Will it crumble into fragments, "granulate." So, the resolution of the TV screen is the density of the location of such points (pixels) on the monitor surface.

What is the best resolution for a TV screen?

It depends on how detailed you want the image on the TV. The higher the density of pixels (the resolution of the screen), the clearer, more detailed the image. For example, if you need a typical one-two-room flat for viewing analog and cable television, you will be satisfied with the screen with a resolution of 1366x768 pixels. And modern Internet players Blue ray or games it is desirable to watch on TVs of format Full HD, where the maximum resolution of the TV screen is 1920x1080 pixels.

How do I know the resolution of the TV?

If you choose a TV in an electronics supermarket, the consultant will most likely draw your attention to this figure. After all, this is the main characteristic of image quality. When choosing a TV in online stores or auctions, pay attention to the technical characteristics of the goods. And the permission from the television already purchased can be obtained by carefully reading the instructions.