Ceramic baking dish

With the onset of autumn, as never before a woman begins to overcome two conflicting desires: treat yourself to something delicious and do not spoil the figure . It would seem that this dilemma has no solution, but no - to kill two birds with one stone will help bake "delicious" in the oven, and not just so, but in special ceramic forms.

Why ceramics?

In this age of abundance, the market is literally packed with utensils made of all possible materials. Why is it the best for ceramics to bake in the oven? First, ceramics are one of the safest materials for health. It does not release carcinogens when heated, does not react with any substances, and even if a small piece of it breaks off, it will not harm the body. Secondly, the heat in such dishes is distributed evenly. This means that unpleasant surprises in the form of burnt on the one hand, but raw from the other dish are excluded. Thirdly, thanks to the porous structure, ceramics have the property of accumulating water. And if in advance to withstand such a dish in the water, during cooking, it will give moisture to the food prepared, gently and gently steaming it. Fourthly, such forms are simply beautiful, which allows you to serve meals directly in them. In addition, you can find ceramic molds for baking all possible shapes and sizes: with and without lid, large, medium and small, round, oval and rectangular and even with special supports.

How to use ceramic forms for baking?

Along with the mass of merits, ceramics are not without a number of drawbacks. The most important of them is its fragility. Therefore, for the ceramic form for a long time to serve as faith and truth, when using it, one must observe the following rules:

  1. Protect from temperature extremes. With a sudden change in temperature, the ceramic form can simply crack, so you absolutely can not put it in a preheated oven, or send it from the oven to cool to frost.
  2. Protect from impacts and falls. Having fallen even from a small height, such a form can, if not split completely, then lose some of its part. Therefore, you need to handle it with care.
  3. To adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations regarding temperature regimes of use. Max temperature at which ceramic molds for baking can be used is 220 degrees.