Pompei Attractions

Have you decided to visit the city-museum of Pompeii, an ancient city not far from Naples ? We have to allocate a whole day for this. If you are limited in time, then it is worthwhile to find out about the most popular sights and plan a route in advance.

What to see in Pompeii?

You can not count on a standard walking tour. In Pempei there are really many unusual and entertaining places.

The most visited is Lupanari in Pompeii. Of course, there are public houses in almost every ancient city. But it was there that this area of ​​everyday life was given a rather large part of attention. In the city was found about 30 premises for prostitution, as well as one full house with ten rooms. But with such an abundance of places for recreation this part of life residents tried not to advertise. The rooms for amorous pleasures were painted with the famous erotic frescoes of ancient Pompeii. Find out a representative of the "ancient profession" could be on the red belt from behind and raised curls. Frescoes of ancient Pompeii and some other exhibits can be seen in the Historical Museum.

Filling your interest in the daily lives of city residents, you can move on to other attractions in Pompeii. One of the most famous is the Amphitheater. This is the place today considered to be the oldest. The amphitheater in Pompeii was intended for gladiatorial fights. It has an elliptical shape, two levels. At the bottom there are deaf arches, and the upper part was a gallery. At one time the walls of the amphitheater saw incredible spectacles, and its spectators were fanatically sick, and the fighting was very popular.

The ruins of Pompeii

In the famous city there are many elements of mosaic art. They are not only preserved to our days thanks to the quality work of the masters, but they also look quite realistic. These are paintings, floor images. Most of the mosaics of Pompeii were given to the Archaeological Museum of Naples. In the city were no less entertaining stories and copies. The most famous of them is the Battle of Issa. The popularity of this mosaic brought dynamism and drama, the image is very realistic and as if filled with life.

The second on recognizability on the right is read mosaic with the image of a leopard or a cat. Pieces are laid out in such a way that you can easily observe realistic lines of the animal's body. There is also a picture of a dog among the plot. All images can be conditionally divided into several periods, because the city developed and its masters gradually grew in creative terms.

Pompeii: The Volcano

Perhaps everyone knows the parable or story of how a volcano destroyed a whole city because its inhabitants are bogged down in debauchery and sins. In 79 AD, Vesuvius really destroyed the city completely. Shortly before the eruption, it was partially destroyed by earthquakes. In general, scientists divide the history of the city-museum of Pompeii into two stages of development. This is clearly visible from the city plan: some streets and quarters are completely chaotic, but then everything comes in a clear system. The streets had their own names, the townspeople followed the state of the roads themselves.

Archaeological Area of ​​Pompeii

The city was discovered only in the 17th century. In the period from the 18th to the 20th century, Pompeii's attractions were opened and the city was made a museum under the open sky. But even today these places have not become an open book and excavation continues.

Be sure to purchase a card, since it's very easy to get lost there. You enter from the side of Port Marina and along the cobbled paths begin your excursion. On the right you will find the Antiquarium, where there are gypsum castings of bodies and other interesting finds. Next, you will find the temple of Venus, the basilica. After passing a little you will get to the Forum. Among other places that can be visited, the temple of Jupiter, the Chamber of Weights and Measures, the triumphal arch in honor of the rulers.